
在社会工作实务中,运用认知理论的原则主要有( )。A.界定服务对象的问题 B.帮助



在社会工作实务中,运用认知理论的原则主要有( )。








解析: 在社会工作实务中运用认知理论的原则主要有:①尊重个人的自主决定和信念;②帮助服务对象改变错误的认知、建立正确的认知;③在正确认知的基础上建立良好的专业关系,并鼓励服务对象形成积极的态度,以实现助人和自助的目标。E项属于认知行为理论关于助人目标方面的原则。



     108 cities in China took part in the World Car Free Day on Saturday to promote environmentally

friendly transport and ease increasingly grid-locked city streets.  It's a highlight of a nationwide urban

public transport week. People were urged to take public transport,ride bikes or walk.

      To help out,more than 200 new buses took to the streets. And the Beijing Subway laid on 10 more

trains for rush hour.

      A Beijing resident said,"Today is car free day,and I do find the traffic much better and the bus can

go much faster. "

      Another resident said,"I spent only half an hour going to work. It took me twice as long before,and

I can find seat on the bus today. "

      But in some areas not signed up for traffic control,endless lines of cars can still be seen.

     Some people say they just can't do without their cars.

     Another Beijing resident said,"Some people are willing to give up driving,but on certain days when I

have to take my child to school or weekend classes,the public transport is so bad that I can't do it without a car. "

       But the concept of "green"traffic is catching on. People say they believe it's the first and honest step

in facing the serious traffic and environmental problems.

      A driver said,"The car free day has a very important symbolic meaning. It does not mean that we must give up cars. It is to promote a concept,to encourage more people to contribute to the protection of the

environment. "

     The Ministry of Construction calculates"Car Free Day"will cut 3,000 tons of emissions and save 33

million liters of gasoline.  And it's planning more frequent activities to raise public consciousness of energy

conservation and environmental protection.   

1. The best title of the passage is possibly _______ 

A. Private cars are banned in cities    

B. Car-free Day pushes"green"transport

C. Residents can't do without cars    

D. Residents should ride bikes on Car-free Day 

2. Car-free Day will bring the following benefits except _______.

A. saving quite a lot of energy          

B. raising public consciousness of environmental protection

C. improving road traffic                

D. facing more serious traffic problems

3. What do you think is possibly the author's attitude towards the Car-free Day?

A. Positive.      

B. Negative.        

C. Passive.          

D. Critical.
