
十二指肠淤滞症形成的主要原因是() A.十二指肠动力功能失调 B.先天性畸形 C.肠










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I watched as Dr. Ian Stead, the archaeologist in charge of the excavation, began carefully removing the peat with a clay modelling tool. X-rays taken through the box while it was at the hospital revealed ribs, backbone, arm bones and a skull (apparently with fractures). However, the bones showed up only faintly because acid in the peat had removed minerals from them.
Using the X-rays, Stead started on what he thought might be a leg. By his side was Professor Frank Oldfield, of Liverpool University, an expert on peat who could identify vegetation from stems only a fraction of an inch long. "Similar bodies found in bogs in Denmark show signs of a violent death," Stead said. "It is essential for us to be able to distinguish between the plant fibres in peat and clothing or a piece of rope which might have been used to hang him."
As Stead continued his gentle probing, a brown leathery limb began to materialize amidst the peat; but not until most of it was exposed could he and Robert Connolly, a physical anthropologist at Liverpool University, decide that it was an arm. Beside it was a small piece of animal fur — perhaps the remains of clothing.
Following the forearm down into the peat, Stead found a brown shiny object and then, close by, two more. Seen under a magnifying glass, he suddenly realized they were fingernails— "beautifully manicured and without a scratch on them," he said. "Most people at this time in the Iron Age were farmers; but with fingernails like that, this person can’t have been. He might have been a priest or an aristocrat." Especially delicate work was required to reveal the head. On the third day, curly sideburns appeared and, shortly afterwards, a moustache. At first it seemed that the man had been balding but gradually he was seen to have close-cropped hair, about an inch or two long.
"This information about his hairstyle is unique. We have no other information about what Britons looked like before the Roman invasion except for three small plaques showing Celts with drooping moustaches and shaven chins."
The crucial clue showing how the man died had already been revealed, close to his neck, but it looked just like another innocent heather root. It was not recognized until two days later, when Margaret McCord, a senior conservation officer, found the same root at the back of his neck and, cleaning it carefully, saw its twisted texture. "He’s been garr0tted." She declared. The root was a length of twisted sinew, the thickness of a p string. A slip knot at the back shows how it was tightened round the neck.
"A large discoloration on the left shoulder suggests a bruise and possibly a violent struggle," Stead said.

The researchers suspected the man had met a violent death because______.

A.(A) he was still wearing clothes

B.(B) similar bodies had been found elsewhere

C.(C) there were traces of a hanging rope in the peat

D.(D) he hadn’t been buried in a coffin


Cristina vivía con sus padres porque sus ingresos no le ______________ (permitir) independizarse. A su edad todavía no ______________ (tener) un trabajo fijo ni un verdadero sueldo. Hacía un a o que ______________ (terminar) la carrera, y aunque quería ampliar sus estudios en el extranjero antes de empezar a trabajar, no ______________ (poder) hacerlo al final. Un tío suyo la _________________ (recomendar) a un abogado famoso, para que la ______________ (admitir) como ayudante en su oficina. Entonces ______________ (ir) allí para una entrevista.El abogado Marcos llevaba toda la ma ana _______________ (tratar) en vano de iniciarse en el mundo de la informática y cuando le _______________ (anunciar) la visita de Cristina, _______________ (olvidar) la cita. Entonces, recordó que un conocido le había rogado que _______________ (recibir) a su sobrina.Cristina _______________ (entrar) en el despacho del abogado, quien le dijo: –_______________ (Sentarse, tú).Cristina _______________ (sentarse), _______________ (poner) su bolso sobre las rodillas y _______________ (adoptar) una actitud cortés. En el despacho sólo _______________ (oírse) el zumbido(嗡嗡声)del ordenador.–Quisiera disculparme por la molestia y le agradezco que _______________ (tener) la amabilidad de recibirme. –No me has de agradecer nada. Tu tío es una persona a la que _______________ (apreciar, yo) y a la que no _______________ (poder) negar un favor. Sin embargo, no hay mucho que te _______________ (poder, yo) decir. Cada uno _______________ (deber) abrirse camino según su capacidad y sus circunstancias. Qué edad _______________ (tener) –Veintidós.– Y acabas de licenciarte –El curso anterior. Luego he pasado una temporada en Inglaterra, _______________ (perfeccionar) el inglés.El abogado Marcos _______________ (sentirse) triste. “Si _______________ (tener) una hija, seguramente hoy _______________ (ser) así: guapa y delicada como su madre, inteligente y triunfadora como yo”. Le dijo, _______________ (se alar) el ordenador: –Entonces sabes inglés… y sabes manejar un aparato de éstos Necesito alguien que _______________ (entender) de computadoras.–Sí.El abogado _______________ (levantarse) sin previo aviso, _______________ (tender) la mano a Cristina y _______________ (declarar) en tono seco: –Tres meses a prueba, sin sueldo, luego ya _______________ (hablar, nosotros). Te _______________ (esperar) ma ana a las nueve en punto. Antes de que _______________ (llegar), mi secretaria te _______________ (poner) una mesa, una silla y un enchufe (接线板).
