
物体发生共振会使物体振动的()。 A.频率增大 B.周期增大 C.角频率增大 D.振












(1)                    ,不知秋思落谁家?(王建《十五夜望月》)

(2)人有悲欢离合,                  ,此事古难全。(苏轼《水调歌头》)

(3)东风不与周郎便,                    。(杜牧《赤壁》)

(4)王湾《次北固山下》一诗中,“                               ”两句描写时序交替中的景物,暗示着时光的流逝,蕴含自然理趣。


     From preschool forward, most teachers strongly urge parents to have their children read-or be read

to-on a reading schedule throughout the year. This includes summer months, holiday breaks, or any time

when school is out. The key is to always make reading fun and a time to look forward to. Then what are

things parents should keep in mind to create fun reading?   

     Take advantage of weather. Be adventurous and make it a game as to where you should read to your

child and what. In warm weather, read next to a pond or lake, under a tree, or even in the tree house.

One mother reads to her young child in their children's pool in the backyard during the summer months.

Another mom finishes the longedfor daily trip to the park in the spring or fall by reading a book before

they leave. Cold months can mix reading activities by having books about snowmen, snowfalls, winter

holidays, or sports such as ice skating.  

     Build a reading activity into life's planning. Children of all ages should learn the connection between

reading and knowledge. If your family is adding a flower bed, have children read about how to prepare a

bed, what kinds of flowers are suitable for the area of the country and when they should be planted.

Getting a new family pet? Read up on varieties of dogs, care required, and even stories about children

and their pets. Traveling somewhere? You guessed it, read all about your destination first and you and

your children will have the added benefit of knowing more about the area when you arrive.  

      Create a book discussion. Some fun ways for kids are to have book discussions, which can be done

with family members by flashlight in the backyard, during a summer outing, or even over breakfast. Be

creative! Parents may ask the child some questions, such as: Did you like the book? Why or why not?

Who was your favorite character? Did you like how it ended? Parents can also create a book club with

kids in the neighborhood, where they can have a book discussion. A simple discussion may last as short

as 20 minutes, or longer as appropriate. The book club may have each child tell about a particular book

they read each week. Taking turns with sharing books can bring a lot of fun!
