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  材料一 人能尽其才,地能尽其利,物能尽其用,货能畅其流--此四事者,富强之大经,治国之大本也。……试观日本一国,与西人通商后于我,仿效西方亦后于我,其维新之政为日几何,而今日成效已大有可观…… ——孙中山《上李鸿章书》1894年6月

  材料二 革命为唯一法门……我们必须倾覆满洲政府,建立民国。革命成功之日……废除专制,实行共和。——孙中山1903年12月的一篇演说词

 材料三 1923年12月17日北京大学25周年纪念日民意测验的部分结果

















On his way to the airport one afternoon, Phillip asked the driver to wait outside the bank while he collected some traveler’s checks.

The plane was to  36   at 5:30.From the bank, there was still   37   journey to the airport 38     Phillip merely enjoyed the scene along the way. Shortly before arriving, he began

  39  the things he would need for the  40   : tickets, money, the  address  of   

On his way to the airport one afternoon, Phillip asked the driver to wait outside the bank while he collected some traveler’s checks.

The plane was to    36     at 5:30. From there was still a    37     journey to the airport    38     Phillip merely watched the scene along the way. Shortly before arriving , he began      39   the things he would need for the    40     : tickets , money , the address of his hotel, traveller’s checks —Just a moment . How about his passport? Phillip went through his pocket. He suddenly    41     that he must have let his passport     42    .

What could he do? It was now five past four and there would be too little    43     to return to the bank. This was the    44     time he was representing his company for an important meeting 45        the manager of a French company in Paris the following morning . Without a passport he would be     46    to board the plane. At that moment , the taxi     47    outside the air terminal (候机楼). Phillip got     48    , took his suitcase and paid the driver. He then     49    a good deal of confusion in the building .A    50     could be heard over the loudspeaker.

“We very much    51     that because of a twenty-four-hour strike of airport staff ,all flights for the rest of today have had to be called off.” Passengers are   52      to get in touch with their travel agents or with this terminal for     53    on tomorrow’s flights. Phillip was

very glad to hear that, He would let his company know about this  54     and, thank goodness, he would have the opportunity of calling at his bank the following morning to    55     his passport .    .

36.A.check in         B.lead off         C.take off          D.go up

37.A.long            B.short           C.pleasant          D.rough

38.A.as              B.so             C.but              D.because

39.A.buying          B.taking over      C.putting about      D.checking

40.A.plane           B.trip             C.company        D.flight

41.A.realized         B.promised        C.recognized        D.suggested

42.A.at home         B.at the bank       C.at the office       D.in the taxi

43.A.time            B.chance          C.possibility        D.use

44.A.golden          B.last             C.only             D.first

45.A.in              B.to              C.at               D.with

46.A.sad             B.unable          C.nervous           D.difficult

47.A.stopped         B.ran             C.went             D.opened

48.A.off             B.back            C.out               D.away

49.A.started          B.caught          C.noticed            D.left

50.A.speech          B.signal           C.call             D.voice

51.A.apologize        B.announce        C.worry            D.regret

52.A.advised         B.forced            C.allowed          D.persuaded 

53.A.ideas           B.plans             C.information       D.time

54.A.person          B.situation          C.place            D.airport

55.A.return           B.show            C.recover          D.change
