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材料一   漫画家把国际联盟比喻为一架大桥,大桥最关键的一块砖头——美国却空缺了。大桥的左边树立着一块牌子,上面写着:“国际联盟大桥,由美国总统负责设计。”大桥的右边,山姆大叔正跷着二郎腿悠闲地抽烟,头枕着的正是那块最关键的砖头。                                                                      ——大桥的缺口

材料二  联合国之旨为:维持国际和平及安全,并以和平方法且依正义及国际法则,调整或解决足以破坏和平之国际争端或情势。促成国际合作,以解决国际上属于经济、社会、文化及人类福利性质之国际问题。                                                                                ——《联合国 * * 》


材料三  建立一个世界上所有国家都参加的联盟(国联),不管是大国还是小国,一起合作来维持和平,这是威尔逊总统梦寐以求的事……联盟,从来就没有取得它的创始人所期望达到的出色成就……在所有重大危机中,人们要么是不听国联的话,要么就是根本不理它。材料四  联合国成立以来头三十年的成就,尚可予人深刻的印象……但它在普遍裁减军备方面却一事无成。它也未能制止苏美之间日益增长的摩擦,而这种摩擦肯定是对国际和平的威胁……,然而,可以论断,联合国主要的贡献在于制止苏美之间发生直接冲突。联合国由于提供权宜的解决办法和讨论各种牢骚的讲坛,有助于防止两个巨人迎面冲突。结果,种种危机愈演愈烈,成为剧烈的争吵,但未形成毁灭世界的大规模祸殃。                                       ——摘自伯恩斯?拉尔夫 《世界文明史》

(1)材料一中漫画的主要观点是什么? 根据材料一并结合所学知识分析美国头枕着那块最关键的砖头使其空缺的具体原因。


(2)结合所学知识,概括指出《联合国 * * 》关于安理会的主要规定,根据材料二并结合所学知识分析联合国在中东问题中的影响。






     The pupils of the remote Beau-Roc primary school in Haiti are chanting.One of them plays a guitar

made from an empty oil tin.Their headmistress, Emile Jean-Noel, is one of the few women school

headteachers in the country.

     Today, over 70% of Haitian population live without proper food, water, schools, or housing. To

reduce the hunger that prevents learning and to encourage parents to send their children to school, meals

are provided by the World Food Programme.

     "We are so cut off that we have many difficulties," comments Emile, adding that finding chalk, school

books and other materials is practically impossible.Emile tries to encourage people around her to make use

of available resources.Her efforts are bearing fruit.One of her successes was convincing local women to

contribute to their children' s schooling and increase their income by selling embroidery( 刺绣) and other


     Recent political instability has meant that the country has not invested (投资) in education for ten

years.Only 44% of children go to school and less than half of them finish primary school. Less than a

third of these children go on to secondary school.In rural areas it is not rare to find 17 and 18 year olds

in primary school- Beau-Roc has only 4 teachers for 260 pupils.Emile works constantly to improve her

pupils' environment.Under her direction, a local worker is now constructing a store house for the food

delivered regularly by the WFP.

      Not only is Emile' s salary small, but she receives it irregularly.For her, transport is a real headache.

She lives five kilometers away and has to take the tap tap, a privately-owned bus, costing more than she

can afford.

     "The decision to be a rural teacher in Haiti should not be taken lightly", Emile comments. "With all the

sacrifices and risks it requires, only those who are really cut out for teaching should do it." However,

Emile loves her job. "I always feel at home with the children and, because the parents understand what I'm

doing, I try to give my best."

1. Which of the following is extremely difficult for Beau-Roc primary school?

A. Teaching the women how to make embroidery and other handicrafts.

B. Persuading local women to care about their children' s education.

C. Encouraging people around to use those available resources.

D. Finding chalk, school books and other materials.

2. The many figures in Paragraph 4 indicate _____.

A. poor investment in Haitian education

B. political instability in Haiti

C. challenges in Emile' s life

D. Emile' s constant efforts

3. In the last paragraph, "those who are really cut out for teaching" refer to people who are _____.

A. dismissed from teaching

B. unfamiliar with teaching

C. qualified for teaching

D. cautious about teaching

4. What topic is presented in this passage?

A. Hardship for teachers.

B. Devotion to education.

C. Politics and children.

D. Love and beauty.
