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阅读以下文字,完成51—55题  教育的目的是什么教育的目的就是帮助人获得生存与生活的本领。不管一个人将来从事什么工作,都必须能继续自己的生活,解决日常生活中的问题。但我们的教育一直有一种忽视和轻视日常生活的倾向,在教育中一直将知识的学习与日常生活相脱离。日常生活一般是不会纳入到学生的学习内容的,学生的学习与他的日常生活是分离的,他只有学习的任务,而将日常生活交给他人,交给父母去料理。在知识学习与养成教育中,日常的、世俗化的生活更加边缘化。未来、理想、职业、人才,包括财富、明星、时尚等等,在这些传统大词与流行的概念与价值观中,总是难以寻觅到同常生活的影子,嗅不到人间烟火味,看不到油盐酱醋茶的坛坛罐罐。  其实,从人类的延续与个体生命的保障来说,同常生活比什么都重要。人们在日常生活中建构起了丰富的知识、规范、伦理与精神。由于日常生活的无所不包,它涉及到了人与这个世界、与自然广泛的联系。我们知道自己身体的秘密吗如何使它更健康,更能给我们提供劳动的保障我们应该如何处理和安排与周围人群的关系,如何与亲人相处我们知道食物来自哪里,它们又分别是在哪个季节与我们相遇,它们的性格如何在生活中,我们会遇到怎样的困难,又该如何应对我们了解春夏秋冬,日月晨昏,了解节令的内容和地方的风土人情吗我们该如何才不至于悖逆时日,违反了“规矩”这些看起来确实平常,以至习焉不察,但从尊重人的生命、从以人为本的最基本的生命伦理来说,它又确实会给人全面的教益,是我们所必需的。  千万不要认为日常生活与精神无关,与形而上无关。一个真正懂得日常生活的人是能够从中发现思想,不断体会到精神的高度的。一花一世界,一木一天地,日常生活的细枝末节与我们头顶上的星空始终交相辉映。这样的精神首先在于人道与人性,日常生活的世界首先是此岸性的,它关乎人的生命,关乎人的幸福。承认日常生活的意义,就是表明人的肉身与感官享受的正当与合理,只有它,才是幸福的确证。

作者认为,日常生活的重要性在于( )。






Why Men Explode
Although women get angry just as often as men, rage remains the prototypical male emotion. "My kids still talk about my ’freak-outs, ’" says Kim Garretson, 54, a corporate strategist in Minneapolis, who once erupted into volcanic fury; in a restaurant when served a still-frozen entree. "I didn’t express much of anything, but once in a while, I’d just blow."
Why do so many men lose their tempers "The rage comes because there’s so much frustration when you cut off something that is you. Yet that’s what men do, because they’re afraid that if you give emotions an inch, they’ll take a mile," says psychologist Kenneth W. Christian, PhD, author of Your Own Worst Enemy. "If you don’t learn how to work with your emotions, you’re a shadow figure, a small incomplete version of yourself. It’s only a matter of time until the house of cards that you are falls apart."
For Kim Garretson, that day came four years ago when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. As often happens when illness strikes men, he realized he had nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by letting himself feel. "I’m no longer afraid of expressing almost any emotion," he says. "I get anger out with my quick, sharp tongue and move on. 1 use humor as an outlet, I’ve reconnected with old friends. 1 talk about the big questions of life. I search for spiritual meaning."
Guys, Try These
In his Dirty Harry days, Clint Eastwood never flinched. Now as a husband, father and Oscar-winning director of movies that explore the depths of men’s souls, the tough guy has turned tender — but not talkative. "The men who hide their emotions the most may, in fact be the most sensitive," observes Christian. Yet men can become more emotionally expressive without tears or fears. Here are some ways to start:
· Develop a creative outlet. Hobbies like painting or playing a musical instrument can tap into a man’s soul. Remember that much of the world’s greatest art, music and literature was created by the allegedly emotionally challenged sex.
· Release stress and anger through exercise. "When you get to the breaking point where you just want to put your head through a wall, taking a ten-minute time-out isn’t enough to calm down," says Westover, who in moments of extreme emotion finds a place to drop to the floor and do push-ups.
· Try expressing "a little" emotion. "Start with feelings you can control, find a sympathetic ear and use the term ’a little,’" suggests Coleman. Saying you feel "a little" sad or "a little" scared feels safer than a full declaration of vulnerability.
· Lean into the discomfort. "Rather than avoiding a feeling that you’re not sure how to handle, move toward it," says psychologist Travis Bradbury, PhD, co-author of The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book. "Learning to handle emotions takes time and practice, because you need to retrain your brain, but it does get easier."

Which of the following ways to control emotions is NOT recommended in the passage

A.(A) To talk as much as possible.

B.(B) To lean into the discomfort.

C.(C) To develop a creative outlet.

D.(D) To try expressing "a little" emotion.
