



(1) 2007年1月1日,甲公司以一块土地使用权作为对价,取得了乙公司30%的股权,对乙公司的财务和经营决策具有重大影响。该土地使用权的账面余额为3000万元,累计摊销200万元,账面价值为2800万元,公允价值为4000万元。当日,乙公司的所有者权益为3600万元,其中股本为3200万元,资本公积为200万元,盈余公积为200万元。投资日,乙公司除办公楼的账面价值8000万元与其公允价值8500万元有较大差异外,其余资产、负债的账面价值与其公允价值变化不大。该办公楼剩余折旧年限为20年,预计净残值为0,按直线法计提折旧。
(2) 2007年度,乙公司实现净利润3000万元,除此之外没有其他所有者权益的活动。
(3) 2008年4月,乙公司宣告分配利润700万元,并于当月发放完毕。
(4) 2008年度,乙公司发生净亏损2000万元;由于出售金融资产业务增加资本公积400万元。
(5) 2008年12月31日,甲公司对乙公司的投资出现减值迹象,甲公司在综合考虑各有关因素的基础上,估计对乙公司投资的可收回金额为3950万元。
(6) 2009年1月25日,甲公司将其在乙公司的投资全部对外转让,转让价款3880万元,相关股权手续已办妥,转让价款已收存银行(不考虑转让过程发生的相关税费)。



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Jewelweeds are pretty flowers that grow in wet, shady spots all over the Northern Hemisphere. According to a recent experiment, they seem to know their own flower family —or at least, recognize whether or not they came from the same mother plant. Together with other through their leaves, but through their roots.

Scientists planted jewelweeds in pots with either siblings(兄弟姐妹)or strangers. Sibling plants were grown from seeds that came from the same mother plant. Stranger plants were grown from seeds from different plants.

When jewelweeds were planted in pots with strangers, the plants started to grow more leaves than if they had been planted alone. This response suggests that plants are competing with strangers for sunlight, since a plant with more leaves can receive more light and make more food.

When jewelweed seedlings were planted with siblings, they few a few more branches than they normally would if they were alone—but they did not start growing lots of extra leaves. This behavior suggests the plants are more likely to share resources, rather than compete.

The plants only responded this way when they shared soil. If stranger seedlings were planted in different pots and placed next to each other, for example, they did not grow more leaves. This different shows that the plants must use their roots to detect sibling plants in the same soil. In 2007, Dudley and her team studied the Great Lakes sea rocket, a plant that grows on the beach—where it may be hard to get fresh water. In that experiment, the botanists observed that when sea rockets were planed with siblings, they tolerated each other. But when they were planted with strangers, the sea prickets reacted by working extra hard to grow lots of roots, but not extra leaves.

The different types of plants may react in different ways, but they have one thing in common: the roots. In both experiments, on Jewelweeds and sea rockets, the key was the shared soil—and other plant species may turn out to show similar behavior. These experiments, as well as earlier experiments, suggest “The phenomenon is quite common.” Says Hans de Kroonof, an ecologist in the Netherlands.

57.In Paragraph 1, the author mentions a recent experiment of Jewelweeds to___________.

A.make a comparison  B.introduce a topic

C.describe a pretty flower   D.put forward a new theory

58.What can we know from the experiments done by scientists?

A.Jewelweeds can grow in the Northern Hemisphere.

B.Jewelweeds can grow in wet, shady spots.

C.Jewelweeds are more friendly to their siblings than to stranger plants.

D.jewelweeds can recognize their siblings through leaves.

59.If jewelweeds and their siblings are planted in different pots and placed close to one another, they will___________.

A.start to grow more leaves       B.detect the strangers 

C.compete with sibling plants     D.grow normally

60.The best title of the passage would be___________.

A.Flower family knows its roots

B.The growing conditions of Jewelweeds

C.Jewelweeds and sea rockets

D.The stranger plant recognize each other
