



“奔驰”营销的成功之道德国奔驰(Benz)汽车公司在世界汽车行业独树一帜,以优质优价闻名于世.在激烈的市场竞争中.奔驰之所以能够很好地求得生存和发展,并成为世界汽车工业的佼佼者,重要的一点就在于它以“顾客要求第一”、“广为顾客服务”为经营理念,充分认识到公司提供给顾客的产品,不仅是交通工具,还应包括汽车的质量、造型、功能、维修服务等,即以自己的产品整体来满足顾客的整体要求。 (a)“奔驰”的定位:在汽车行业众多的品牌中,宝马车强调的是“驾驶的乐趣’、富豪强调“耐久安全”,马自达的“可靠”,绅宝(SAAB)的“飞行科技’,丰田(TOYOTA)的“跑车外型”,菲亚持的“精力充沛’,而奔驰的定位则是“高贵、王者、显赫、至尊”,奔驰的TV广告中较出名的系列是“世界元首使用最多的车”。 (b)“奔驰”的质量观,奔驰汽车的质量是首屈一指的。在产品的构想、设计、研制、试制、生产、维修等环节都突出了质量标准。(c)“奔驰“的创新观。奔驰汽车公司自开创以来,一直坚持大胆而科学的创新,以创新求发展是该公司的一贯方针,他们不断变换车型,不断地将新的工艺技术应用到生产上.(d)奔驰的社会营销观。奔驰的汽车产品不仅优质,而且在造车时始终抱着对社会负责的态度,充分体现了奔驰的社会责任感:造全世界最“安全”的车。奔驰公司首创的吸收冲击式车身,SRS安全气囊等安全设计被汽车界引为标杆。造环保至上的车.奔驰公司把对环保问题的关切作为其汽车设计的重点,长期以来重视研制节能和环保方面的新型汽车。石油危机发生后,奔驰公司着力研究汽车代用能源,例如乙烷、甲烷、电子发动或混合燃料发动装置。 (e)“奔驰”的CS理念。奔驰公司顾客满意从生产车间开始,奔驰公司的顾客满意 (CS)是从顾客的需要出发,从产品结构、产品质量、销售方式、服务项目、服务水平等方面为顾客服务为满足顾客的各种不同的需要.使顾客完全满意.服务人员和生产人员一样多.该公司顾客满意从儿童开始培养.

“奔驰”公司的市场营销理念的内涵是( )。






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参考答案:B,D解析: 权利要求的撰写要求 《专利法实施细则》第二十条第一款规定,权利要求书应当说明发明或者实用新型的技术特征,清楚、简要地表述请求保护的范围。《审查指南》第二部分第二章3.2.2中规...



     Lisa, a 25year old from Beijing, recently places a number of very unpleasant statements on the

Internet regarding the elderly.They include things like "don't  rely on others", "don't expect others to

help", "don't be talkative", and "dont't be so stubborn". The underlying message was that elderly

people should not take advantage of their old age to demand special favours from others, particularly

from the young.This of course flies_in_the_face_of the Chinese tradition of respecting the elderly.But,

in my opinion, Lisa's "requests" might not be totally unreasonable.Old people do sometimes behave

like they're "stubborn"and "talkative". Still, the young woman is rudely insensitive to why the elderly

behave that way.As people get old, they become increasingly weakened physically.So it's natural for

them to ask for more help from others.As their memories decline, they tend to be talkative because

they easily forget what has just been said.The American psychologists D. R.Atkinson and G. Hackett

said that the brain is characterized by flexibility.It has the ability (most pronounced up to the age of 12)

to change itself as a result of experience.But, as the brain ages, this flexibility decreases.As a result, the

elderly are often inflexible in their ways.

     Therefore, old people need real care and deserve to be taken care of.Many have devoted most of

their lives to the wellbeing of the family or social.Their aging is no reason for showing prejudice (偏见)to

them.  According to Chinese tradition, older people are to be respected.As are Westerners.

     I live in the US for eight years, and in Hong Kong for 13.Never have I seen or heard anyone who

would openly tell old people "to behave themselves".

    We may encourage old people to be more selfreliant.But rudely demanding that they do so is ageism.

That's where the difference lies.

1. What does Lisa think of the elderly?

A. The elderly hate to rely on the others.

B. The elderly should take advantage of their old age.

C. They are not talkative but stubborn.

D. The elderly always demand special favors from the young.

2. The underlined part in the first paragraph can be replaced by"________".

A. expresses the apparent meaning of

B. shows disagreement with

C. deals with the surface meaning of

D. draws a conclusion from

3. What's the writer's attitude towards this problem?

A. The young woman is too sensitive to why the elderly behave that way.

B. The elderly naturally ask for more help from others, because their brain is characterized by flexibility.

C. The elderly are often inflexible in their ways, which makes the young suffer.

D. The elderly deserve to be taken care of and we shouldn't show our prejudice because of their aging.

4. The last three paragraphs really want to show that________.

A. we should respect the elderly

B. the people in the US or Hong Kong respect the older people

C. old people should be encouraged to be more selfreliant

D. different ideas about the elderly are allowed to exist
