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Her mother Ruby turned round and, seeing Ammie horribly burnt, called an ambulance which rushed her daughter to a nearby hospital. Twenty percent of Ammie’s body had been burned and all of her burns were third-degree. There, using tissue taken from unburned areas of Ammie’s body, surgeons(外科医生)performed complex skin grafts(移植) to close her wounds and control her injuries, an operation that took about six hours. Over the next 16 years, Ammie underwent 12 more operations to repair her body.

When she started school at Maxwelton Primary at age 4, other pupils made cruel comments or simply wouldn’t play with her. “ I was the only burned child in the street, the class and the school,” she recalled, “some children refused to become friends because of that.”

Today, age 17, Ammie can only ever remember being a burned person with scars; pain is a permanent part of her body. She still has to have two further skin grafts. Yet she is a confident, outgoing teenager who offers inspiration and hope to other young burns victims.

She is a member of the Scottish Burned Chindren’s Club, a charity set up last year. This month, Ammie will be joining the younger children at the Graffham Water Center in Cambridgeshire for the charity’s first summer camp. “I’ll show them how to shrug off unkind stares from others,” she says. Ammie loves wearing fashionable sleeveless tops, and she plans to show the youngsters at the summer camp that they can too. “I do not go to great lengths to hide my burns scars,” she says, “I gave up wondering how other people would react years ago.”

56.What would be the best title of the passage?

A. Angel of Hope                                        B. A seriously burned girl survives

C. Permanent scars and pain for a girl                D. Shrug off unkind stares

57. How many operations has Ammie already had?

A. One       B. Twelve        C. Thirteen        D. Fifteen

58. What did other children do when Ammie first went to school?

A. They were friendly to her                   B. They laughed at her

C. They were cruel to her                   D. They were afraid of her

59. Ammie will teach the younger children at the Graffham Water Center to ____.

A. hide their scars by proper dressing          B. face others’ unkindness bravely

C. recover quickly                                           D. live a normal life

60. Which of the following words is not proper to describe Ammie?

A. Confident      B. Outgoing       C. Optimistic      D. Fashionable



指纹的特性和用途 人的皮肤由表皮、真皮和皮下组织三部分组成。指纹就是表皮上突起的纹线。由于人的遗传特性,虽然指纹人人皆有,但各不相同。伸出你的手,仔细观察,就可以发现小小的指纹也分好几种类型:有同心圆或螺旋纹线,看上去像水中漩涡的,叫斗形纹;有的纹线是一边开口的,就像簸箕似的,叫箕形纹;有的纹形像弓一样,叫弓线纹。各人的指纹除形状不同之外,纹形的多少、长短也不同。据说,全世界五十多亿人中,还没有发现两个指纹完全相同的人呢。更有趣的是,指纹在胎儿第三四个月便开始产生,到六个月左右就形成了。当婴儿长大成人,指纹也只不过放大增粗,它的形状特征却固定不变。 你可别小看指纹,它的用途可大啦!指纹由皮肤上许多小颗粒排列组成,这些小颗粒感觉非常敏锐,只要用手触摸物体,就会立即把感觉到的冷、热、软、硬等各种“情报”通报给大脑这个“司令部”,然后,大脑根据这些“情报”,发号施令,指挥动作。指纹还具有增强皮肤摩擦的作用,使手指能紧紧地握住东西,不易滑掉。我们平时画图、写字、拿工具、做手工,之所以能够那么得心应手、运用自如,这里面就有指纹的功劳。 正因为指纹的这些特征,它很早就引起了人们的兴趣。在古代,人们把指纹当做“图章”,印在公文上。 据说,在一百多年前,警察就开始利用指纹破案。

(A)现在,随着科学技术的发展,(B)指纹在医学上又有了新的用途。有的医生发现,通过检查人的指纹、掌纹,能够查出某些疾病。(C)近年来,指纹又和电子计算机成了好朋友。(D) 小小的指纹将来究竟还会有哪些新的用途?新的迷宫又摆在我们面前,等待着我们去探索、去寻求。


