
预热器系统中物料的热交换主要在()进行。A、旋风筒 B、风管 C、分解炉








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第一题:日常检查(15分) 材料1:小张、小王系甲市A县烟草专卖局市场监管员。2011年5月14日,小张、小王在对片区零售户进行检查时,发现“一飞食杂店”上月订购卷烟数量较少,但销售记录显示,该店上月共销售卷烟576条,两人对这一情况做了记录。“景宇烟酒行”因4月份被A县烟草专卖局一次性查获假烟56条,被责令停业整顿,二人依法向其送达了停业整顿通知书。在对“晨星超市”进行检查时,发现该户5月1日有两张一次性销售52条、61条的卷烟销售小票,两人依法制作了先行登记保存通知书,将两张小票进行了先行登记保存。该店店主刘某还反映,4月27日,A县烟草营销部送货人员小林未将其订购的卷烟送至店中,而是由其到指定的地点取回。小张、小王对这一情况也做了记录。检查结束后,小张、小王在营销系统中查询到“一飞食杂店”4月份共购进卷烟68条,销售数量远大于购进数量。小张、小王对收集到的相关信息进行了归纳整理,并按程序进行了维护调整。 材料2:A县烟草专卖局对1-5月份本县5种主要零售业态的案件数量、市场净化率、卷烟需求量与投放量等进行了统计分析,具体数据见表1、表2:






迁左正言,俄除给事中。时童贯权益张,与黄经臣胥用事,御史中丞卢航表里为 * * ,搢绅侧目。禾曰:“此国家安危之本也。吾位言责,此而不言,一迁给舍(给事中),则非其职矣。”未拜命,首抗疏劾贯。复劾经臣:“怙宠弄权,夸炫朝列。每云诏令皆出其手,言上将用某人,举某事,已而诏下,悉如其言。夫发号施令,国之重事,黜幽陟明,天子大权,奈何使宦寺②得与?臣之所忧,不独经臣,此途一开,类进者众,国家之祸,有不可遏,愿亟窜之远方。”





【注】①辟雍:太学名。 ②宦寺:宦官。

小题1:对下列句子中加点词语的解释,不正确的一项是(   )




D.黼闻而之衔:怀恨小题2:下列句子中,全都表现陈禾“刚强正直”的一组是(   )

①其后盗起,人服其先见    ②未拜命,首抗疏劾贯

③论奏未终,上拂衣起      ④檄禾取证,禾答以事有之,罪不敢逃

⑤辞益坚,曰:“宁饿死。” ⑥寻遭内艰,服除,知秀州




D.③⑤⑥小题3:下列对原文的理解和分析,不正确的一项是(     )









The Federal Government


The Constitution
When America broke away from Britain in 1775, she did not adopt a British Constitution. The British have always had an unwritten constitution, whereas every item of the American Constitution is clearly written down and numbered, and can only be changed by a two-thirds majority vote of Congress.
Yet in their different ways, the American and British forms of government did have one thing in common. They were both democratiC.As for American society, it was more democratic than British society, in that it paid less attention to class or wealth.
Political Parties
There are two major political parties in the USA, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The policies of the two parties are not basically opposed to one another. Inside both parties there moderates and right-wringers, though the Democrats still have the reputation of being somewhat more liberal than the Republicans. Voters are influenced by family traditions, but there are plenty of ordinary people who vote according to their hopes, fears and beliefs.
There are no other political parties that can compete with the two big parties, though there are occasionally independents who stand for the presidency and manage to collect quite a few votes. There are no left-wing parties. Most Americans are in favor of free enterprise, believing that it may one day help them fulfill the American Dream.
The President and Congress
The President of the USA has more power than any other president in the democratic world- except the French President. It is he who formulates foreign policy and prepares laws for the home front. He is leader of the nation and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. He represents the USA and, since the USA is a super power, the eyes of the whole world are on him. The fate of the world is in his hands, or so many people believe, and one careless, ill-prepared speech by him could precipitate a crises.
Actually, a great deal of the President’s power is controlled by Congress, the American name for "parliament". It is Congress that declares war, not the President. Unlike the Prime Minister of Great Britain, or of Germany, he can make a treaty with a foreign power. But this treaty must be debated and agreed by Congress before it comes into force. The same control applies to laws at home. Congress has (on several occasions) refused to ratify treaties or given approval to laws proposed by the President. The USA is the only country, apart from France, where a president can rule with a parliament, the majority of whose members do not belong to his own political party.
Some Americans have the feeling that idealism has gone out of politics and that personal ambition and money have taken its place. The election campaign fro the Presidency is unique in the amount of money poured into it. The wooing of voters lasts for months. But before the campaign for the election of the President can begin, each political party has to choose its candidate for the Presidency. This can lead to some very close contests. Men aspiring to be elected as the party candidate employ top public relations and advertising men, who invent clever catch phrases and set about "selling" their man. There are whistle stop tours by train, by plane, by car. The candidate delivers countless speeches and shakes countless hands. This razzamatazz typifies American enthusiasm and extravagance.
Big money is necessary to support a presidential candidate’s campaign and the candidate himself must be rich enough to pay his share. An attractive wife is an advantage, too. Money is also needed to become the Governor of a state, or a successful Senator, or member of the House of Representatives. Yet from this small group many excellent men have become President, and the same is true of members of Congress.
It is very unlikely that the President could ever become a dictator. Congress, the press and the people between them rule out such a possibility.
The Supreme Court
Perhaps the most effective safeguard of democracy is the Supreme Court, for one of its objects is to protect the individual against the government. It has the authority to cancel a law which it considers violates the Constitution. The Court sits for at least four days a week and any individual who has a grievance against the government can apply to it for help.
The Supreme Court goes way back to 1787, the days of the Founding Fathers, and is one of the cornerstones of American democracy. It gives judgement in disputes between States, or between a State and the Federal Government, and without invitation can declare a law made by Congress to be unconstitutional. The great Jefferson, who drew up the Declaration of Independence, saw to it, too, that there was a Bill of Rights which every American could thrust under the nose of anyone who tries to rob him of his freedom as a democratic citizen.

The President represents the USA and one careless, and ill-prepared speech would______.

A.bring him an ill reputation
B.deprive him of all the power he represents
C.bring about a crisis in the world
D.shock the world into the war
