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For a writer, there is hardly any greater honor than winning the Nobel Prize for literature.

And for a woman writer, claiming the prize is even harder, for only eight women once won it. Austria’s Elfriede Jelinek is the ninth and the first since 1996.

The Stockholm-based Swedish Academy announced last Thursday that Jelinek won this year’s Nobel Prize in literature. She is recognized for her socially critical(批判的) novels and plays.

Jelinek, 57, made her literary debut (初次露面) in 1967. She has written plays, novels and poetry. She is best known for her autobiographical 1983 novel “The Piano Teacher”, made into a movie in 2001.

The basic theme of her work is the inability of women to live as people beyond the roles and personalities traditionally expected of them. Her characters struggle to lead lives not normally acceptable in society. “The nature of Jelinek’s texts is often hard to define. They shift between prose(散文) and poetry and songs, they contain theatrical scenes and film script,” said the academy.

The Nobel Prize was founded by Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel. Nobel died in 1896 and left his fortune of about US $920 million to a fund to honor people who have helped other human beings. This year each prize is worth US $13 million.

小题1: The underlined word “them” in the last second paragraph refers to _______.




D.women小题2:Elfrede Jelinek won the Nobel Prize just because _______.

A.she was an Austrian woman writer

B.she wrote socially critical novels and plays

C.her novel “The Piano Teacher” was made into a movie

D.the nature of her texts is hard to define.小题3: Which of the following about the Nobel Prize is TRUE?

A.It is harder for a woman writer to win than a man writer.

B.The total prize every year was $920 million.

C.Women writers were not awarded until 1996.

D.Only eight women writers won the prize since 1996.小题4:This passage is most likely taken from _______.

A.a travel magazine

B.a history book

C.a newspaper

D.an advertisement



材料一 樊迟问知,子曰:“务民之义,敬鬼神而远之,可谓知矣。”问仁。曰:“仁者先难而后获,可谓仁矣。”



材料二 “臣愚以为诸不在六艺(指六经)之科孔子之术者,皆绝其道,勿使并进。邪辟之说灭息,然后统纪可一,而法度可明,民知所从矣。”


材料三 顾炎武推崇议论朝政的风气,要求以强大的社会舆论采监督制约当权者.以“众治”代替“独治”。黄宗羲进一步提出用“天下之法”取代“桎梏天下人之手足的”的“一家之法”。以约束帝王的“人治”。



