
June1 a sister 2a brother. Her sister's



     June   1   a sister    2   a brother. Her sister's name is Maria and her brother's name is Rick.
June and Maria can    3  . June can sing and play   4   , but Maria   5   . Maria    6   chess.
But she    7   play chess with June. She plays chess with Rick. Rick can also play   8   . They get
on    9   with each other. They love their   10   .
( )1. A. have      
( )2. A. and        
( )3. A. dances    
( )4. A. guitars    
( )5. A. can't    
( )6. A. like      
( )7. A. doesn't  
( )8. A. baseballs  
( )9. A. good      
( )10. A. family    

B. has            
B. but            
B. dancing        
B. guitar        
B. don't        
B. liking        
B. isn't        
B. the baseball  
B. fine          
B. home          

C. there are    
C. with          
C. to dance      
C. the guitar    
C. can        
C. likes         
C. do          
C. baseball      
C. nice          
C. bedroom      

D. there is        
D. or              
D. dance          
D. one guitar      
D. do            
D. to like         
D. don't        
D. the baseballs  
D. well            
D. room            


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