
实体完整性规则规定基本关系的所有主属性 【5】 。



实体完整性规则规定基本关系的所有主属性 【5】


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参考答案:A解析: 本题考查项目公司组织形式中的股权式合资经营。


Five tips to deal with stress
Stress, the biggest enemy of the modern world! It kidnaps our peace of mind, tortures our evenings, when we return home from work and murders those beautiful moments. But like all enemies, this enemy can also be got rid of!
Put your body in motion.
Moving from the chair to the couch while watching TV is not being physically active! Physical activity is one of the most important ways to keep stress away by clearing your head and lifting your spirits. Physical activity also increases endorphin levels—the natural “feel-good” chemicals.
Some say that laughter is the best medicine—well, in many cases, it is! Did you know that it takes 15 facial muscles to laugh? Lots of laughing can make you feel good—and, that good feeling can stay with you even after the laughter stops. So , head off stress with regular doses of laughter by watching a funny movie or cartoons, reading a joke book, or even make up your own riddles…laughter can make you feel like a new person!
Everyone has those days when they do something really silly or stupid. Instead of getting upset with yourself, laugh out loud! No one’s perfect! Life should be about having fun. So , lighten up!
Have fun with friends.
Being with people you like is always a good way to get rid your stress. Get a group together to go
to the movies, shoot some hoops, or play a board game—or just hang out and talk. Friends can help
you work through your problems and let you see the brighter side of things.
Spill (发泄)to someone you trust.
Instead of keeping your feelings bottled up inside, talk to someone you trust or respect about what’s
Bothering you. It could be a friend , a parent, someone in your family, or a teacher. Talking out
your problems and seeing them a different view might help you figure out ways to deal with them.
Just remember, you don’t have to go it alone!
Lend a hand.
Get involve in an activity that helps others. It’s almost impossible to feel stressed out when you’re helping someone else. It’s also a great way to find out about yourself and the special qualities you never knew you had! Signing up for a service project is a good idea, but helping others is as easy as saying hello, holding a door, or volunteering to keep a neighbor’s pet. The feeling you will get from helping others is greater than you can imagine!
Remember , you’re not alone—everyone has stresses in their lives…it’s up to you to choose how to deal with them.
Five tips to deal with stress
Lead in
We can get rid of stress.
1.Being   71  active.
To keep stress away.
To   72  endorphin levels.
2.  73  up and laugh.
To make you feel good.
To make you feel like a new person.
3.Hanging  74  with friends.
To help you work through your problems.
To make you have a  75  attitude towards things.
4.Talking to someone you trust.
To help you figure out ways to deal with 76  .
5.Taking part in an activity that is  77  to others.
To find out about yourself.
To feel  78  than you can imagine.
Everyone is under heavy  79 , and you can choose  80 to so with it.

孙某(男,25岁)一贯逞强好胜,特别喜爱炫耀。某日晚上,与一帮小痞子喝酒。酒过三巡,有一人王某嘲笑他光爱吹牛,只是嘴上好占便宜,到现在为止还是个童男子!孙某仗着酒力,大声说道:“谁说我是童男子!我今天就做给你们看看!”酒后,孙某便直奔某护士学校而去,孙某窜入校园后,将该校A楼二层学生宿舍门撬开,见床上睡着一个人 (吴某,男,16岁,该校学生),误认为是女学生,待孙某将吴某衣服脱尽欲行强 * * 时,才发现吴某为男性,便将被子盖住吴某转身离去。孙某走到大街上,觉得很扫兴,心想如果不干成,有脸面见兄弟们此时恰好见前面一单身女孩骑车走过,孙某赶紧追了过去,谎称问路,将女孩骗到一僻静的小树林,欲行强 * * 。女孩苦苦哀求,孙某见状想起自己上中学的妹妹,便打消了强 * * 的念头,转身离去。

对于孙某在小树林强 * * 女孩的行为,以下说法正确的是()。




