
肛提肌由前内向后外由哪些部分组成( )A.耻尾肌 B.会阴深横肌 C.髂尾肌 D.



肛提肌由前内向后外由哪些部分组成( )







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参考答案:A,C,D,E解析: 并购与反并购设计和咨询已成为现代投资银行业务领域中的核心部分。投资银行通过多种途径和方法介入企业并购,例如为收购方设计收购方案并协助实施、为被收购方设计反收购方案和措施、通...



It was mother's Day, but the young mother was a little unhappy.  Because she was 800 miles away from her parents. In the morning she phone her mother to wish her a happy mother's Day, And her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs(丁香) in the garden.

Later that day, when she told her husband about the lilacs. He said. "I know where we can find all that you want. Get the children and come on.”So they went, driving down the country roads. There on a small hill, they saw a lot of beautiful purple lilacs .The young woman ran quickly to enjoy the flowers .Carefully, she picked a few here and a few there. On their way home there was a smile on her face .When they were passing a nursing home(养老院),the young woman saw an old granny sitting in a chair .She had no children with her .They stopped the car and the young woman walked to the old woman, put the flowers in her hands , and smiled at her .The old granny thanked her again and again . She smiled happily, too.

When the young mother came back to her car , her children asked her ,“Who is that old granny ? Why did you give flowers to her ?”“I don’t kown her .”Their mother said ,“But it’s Mother’s Day , and she has no children. I have all of you , and I still have my mother . Just think how much those flowers meant to her .”

小题1:The young woman was a little unhappy on Mother’s Day because_______.

A.she didn’t have a present

B.she was a long way from her mother .

C.she didn’t know it was Mother ‘s Day

D.she wanted to have a trip .小题2:There were many beautiful purple lilacs ______.

A.in the young woman’s garden

B.in the market

C.on a small hill

D.in the nursing home小题3:The young woman had _______.

A.one child

B.no child

C.more than one child .

D.a boy and a girl小题4:The young woman gave the flowers to the old granny because ________.

A.she knew the old granny

B.she didn’t like the flowers

C.her mother asked her to do so

D.she wanted the old granny to be happy小题5:Which is the following is NOT true according to the passage ?

A.The young woman was kind

B.The old granny was sad at last

C.The young woman loved her mother

D.The old granny had no child
