
挥发油中主要含有的萜类化合物是( )A.单萜 B.倍半萜 C.二萜 D.二倍半萜



挥发油中主要含有的萜类化合物是( )







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材料一 英国国歌《天佑女王》产生于18世纪40年代,是称颂英国国王的歌曲。其大意是:“上帝保佑女王,祝她万寿无疆,神佑女王。……愿上帝恩泽长,选精品,倾宝囊,万岁女王!愿她保护法律,使民心齐归向,一致衷心歌唱,神佑女王!”

材料二 美国国歌《星条旗永不落》诞生于第二次英美战争期间的1814年。当时,有一位名叫弗朗西斯·斯科特·基的美国律师乘船到英舰交涉释放被扣留的美国平民。他目击了英军炮轰美国目标的经过,忧心如焚。次日早晨,当他透过战场上的硝烟看到星条旗仍在要塞上空猎猎飘扬时感慨万分,于是激情满怀地写下了《星条旗永不落》这首诗。诗歌很快不胫而走,后被配上曲谱后流传全国。1931年,美国国会正式将《星条旗永不落》定为国歌。其大意是:“啊!在晨曦初现时,你可看见是什么让我们如此骄傲?……烈火熊熊,炮声隆隆,我们看到要塞上那面英勇的旗帜,在黑暗过后依然耸立!……”

材料三  近代清朝最初是没有国歌的。1896年,清朝政府派遣北洋大臣、直隶总督李鸿章赴西欧和俄罗斯访问。欢迎仪式上,主方要演奏中国的国歌,李鸿章傻了眼:从来就没有听说过国歌是什么。没办法,只好把它理解为一首中国的歌曲,临时找了一首适合清政府口味的七绝诗加以改编,配以古曲,作为国歌临时使用。歌词是:“金殿当头紫阁重,仙人掌上玉芙蓉,太平天子朝天日,五色云车驾六龙。”此曲后来改称《李中堂乐》,算是旧中国最早的一首”国歌”,但这并不是清朝官方版的国歌。1906年,大清帝国陆军部成立,谱制了一首陆军军歌,暂定为清朝代国歌。1911年清政府制定了大清帝国国歌——《巩金瓯》:“巩金瓯,承天帱,民物欣凫藻,喜同袍,清时幸遭。真熙嗥,帝国苍穹保,天高高,海滔滔。”(注:“金瓯”在中国古代比喻疆土之完固。)

材料四  1912年元旦,以孙中山为首的南京临时政府颁布了《中华民国国歌》:“东亚开化中华早,揖美追欧旧邦新造,飘扬五色旗国荣光,锦秀山河普照,我同胞鼓舞文明,世界和平永保。”

材料五  1949年9月,第一届中国人民政治协商会议在北平召开。会议接受徐悲鸿建议,采用1935年田汉作词、聂耳作曲的《义勇军进行曲》,作为新中国的代国歌。其中包括我们所熟悉的歌词:“起来,不愿做奴隶的人们!把我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城!中 * * 到了最危险的时候,每个人被迫着发出最后的吼声!……”






(5)结合所学知识说明《义勇军进行曲》创作的背景是什么?(2分)如今,中 * * 已经结束了受侵略遭奴役的历史。然而,我们仍然以《义勇军进行曲》为我们的国歌。请你就此谈谈自己的见解。(5分)



这段文字意在强调( )。



Crash-Prone The Solution Could Be Windows XP;
But does It Make Sense to Upgrade Your Operating System

You can hardly turn on the television or click on a Web page without seeing a colorful ad for Microsoft’s new Windows XP operating system, which launched on Oct. 25.
So, now that the long-awaited XP is here, what are you going to do about it Should you upgrade, and if you do, how hard is it and what are the potential drawbacks The decision is pretty easy if you really need a whole new Windows PC. They all come with XP preloaded, and in my tests of a few such models, they seemed to work well. I’m writing this on my own new personal computer, a Dell that came preloaded with Windows XP, and it worked great right out of the box.
The only downside is that if you’re keeping older printers, scanners and other peripherals, you may have to download new "drivers" — the small programs that allow a PC and a peripheral to interact. XP contains many of the drivers for recent-model printers and the like, sparing you from even digging out the disks that came with them. But if you have older equipment, you may have to download new drivers, because the original software that came with the hardware might not work with Windows XP.
It’s harder to decide what to do about XP if you have a PC that doesn’t need replacing. If you’re happy with the way things are working, don’t upgrade. It’s never a trivial thing to change operating systems, and you shouldn’t do it without a reason.
However, there are two big limitations in prior versions of Windows that XP does fix, and that might make an upgrade worthwhile. These are stability — that is, the ability not to crash, or at least to do so rarely — and compatibility. Windows 98 and Windows ME, the previous consumer versions, had wide compatibility with consumer software and peripherals, but lousy stability. Windows 2000, the prior business version, had great stability, but limited compatibility with consumer software and add-on hardware.
Windows XP is designed to combine the stability of Windows 2000 (with which it shares underlying code) with the compatibility of Windows 98 and Windows ME, and in my experience, it does a good job at that. So if you need more reliability or compatibility than your current version of Windows supplies, an upgrade may be in order.
But there’s a catch. Microsoft says that an XP upgrade will really be sensible only if your PC is two years old or less — built after 1999. And you need at least a 300MHz processor and 128 megabytes of memory, though I recommend at least 192MB, and 256MB is even better. Also, you’ll need a roomy hard disk — Windows XP alone will suck up 1.5 gigabytes.
So there are only a limited number of PCs for which upgrading makes sense, and you may have to invest in beefing yours up first.
Not only that, but you must have Windows 98, Windows ME or Windows 2000 on your current system to upgrade. If you have Windows 95 and somehow still have a new enough machine to qualify, you have to buy a very expensive, "full" version of Windows XP, basically wipe out your whole hard disk and start from scratch with XP, losing all your installed programs and settings.
If you’re good to go, you next have to decide which upgrade version of XP is right for you — the $99 Home Edition or the $199 Professional. The differences between them are surprisingly small, and 95 percent of home and small-business users will be fine with the home version. Buy the pro version only if you are running more than a modest network or need special security features.
Note that if you have Windows 2000, or NT 4.0, you can upgrade only to Windows XP Professional, not the Home Edition. If you have Windows 98 or ME, you can choose either flavor of XP.
In my tests, which included five PCs running all the main older versions; the Windows XP upgrades, both home and pro, went very smoothly.
The process took about an hour in each case, and the installation software was friendly and clear in its instructions and progress reports.

Windows XP Home Edition is appropriate for ______.
A. all the main older versions of Windows
B. Windows 98 or ME
C. Windows 2000
D. NT4.0
