
Internet ClonesYouku isn’t the Chinese You



Internet Clones

Youku isn’t the Chinese YouTube and Rcnren isn’t the Chinese Facebook. That realization hasn’t (26) on investors, who continue to pile into Chinese Internet stocks with (27) discrimination. The Chinese Internet story certainly is compelling. With more than 450 million online, the Chinese Web boasts more (28) than any other in the world. Brokerage CLSA expects that number to increase to more than 800 million by 2013. (29) important, rising incomes and low levels of e-commerce penetration mean online sales and advertising should increase. (30) an even faster clip.
Mainstays of the sector Baidu and Sina have more than doubled in (31) in the past 12 months. Online-video platform Youku (32) .nearly doubled since its trading debut in December, 2010. Social-networking site Renren hopes to (33) $584 million when it (34) on the New York Stock Exchange in May.
But not all Internet firms are created equal. Despite a passing similarity to U.S. peers, the Chinese newbies are (35) by the comparison. Take Youku, which, according to Internet research firm Analysis, (36) for just 20% of China’s fragmented online-video space. (37) numbers vary, YouTube commands a much larger share of the U.S. online-video market yet it remains unclear (38) profitable it is.
Renren, meanwhile, started life as a Facebook clone. The user interface looks the same, but in terms of market (39) they are different. According to Web analysis firm comScore, in March, Facebook had 153 million active monthly users in the U.S. (40) to about 60% of the online population. Renren’s 31 million, up from 24 million at the end of 2010, means it has 7% of Chinese Internet users. That means it has (41) to expand but doesn’t have the lock on the market Facebook (42) And it faces tough competition if it tries to expand out of its student niche. Meanwhile, its recent surge in users looks. (43) It added seven million monthly active users in the first three months of 2011, the same as total (44) in 2009 and 2010 combined. That is tough to explain as Renren is facing stiff competition for users. (45) Sina’s Weibo microblogging platform.
Everyone wants a piece of the Chinese Facebook, but in a competitive sector investors should consider the possibility they are buying a piece of the Chinese Friendster.

A. experts B. users C. sellers D. programmers


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“毒胶囊” 有多毒?




  3. 经检测,药品胶囊中的铬含量严重超标。胶囊之所以胶囊中会发生铬超标,是因为黑心企业在制作胶囊时,用工业明胶代替了药用明胶。合格的药用明胶所用的猪皮和牛皮应是未经铬盐鞣制或未经有害金属污染的制革生皮或新鲜皮、冷冻皮。而制革厂的边角料只能用来生产工业明胶。       


  5. 准确评估工业明胶的健康风险比较困难,原因有两个,第一,鞣制虽然使用的是三价铬,但是工业用鞣制试剂并不纯,不可避免地含有六价铬;第二,毒性较小,三价铬和毒性剧烈六价铬在使用和保存中可以互相转化。2010年,河北大学科研人员的市场调查结果表明,15个添 加了明胶的食品样品中,有13个超过2毫克/千克的标准,其中10个超过了100毫克/千克。毫无疑问,这些市场上的食品样品中添加的都是工业明胶。      


  7.网上有传言说,摄入14ppm(ppm即百万分之一)的铬 就会造成基因突变,这是对文献的误读。相关文献中所述的基因表达水平变化不等于突变。另外,该传言也把总铬和六价铬混为一谈了。总之,吃铬超标的胶囊对身体造成的危害并不会像传言中那样发生基因突变。

  8. 当然,既然发现了问题,我们就需要知道如何鉴别毒胶囊。 首先,药用明胶和食用明胶一般为无色或淡黄色,而工业明胶颜色深,厂家会多加着色剂以掩饰杂质,所以颜色越鲜艳的胶囊越有可能是工业明胶制成的;其次,一般工业明胶杂质多,可能含有淀粉等非明胶成分,所以胶囊一捏易碎;再次,用工业明胶做的胶囊质量和工艺相对较差、胶囊口比较松,容易拧开。        

  9.  面对毒胶囊问题,我们无需恐慌,只要理性对待,即可很好地避免再受侵害。(本文有删改)   


1.下列说法不符合原文意思的一项是(              )             


B.某些企业将皮革废料通过生石灰浸渍膨胀等手段处理后,熬制成工业明胶,卖给药用胶囊生产企业,以替代药用明胶 。


D.本文条理清楚,先介绍“毒胶囊”的由来,接着说明其危害 ,最后教给人们辨别的方法。语言简明、准确。




