



A公司向B公司出售一批商品,并签订买卖合同。A公司按期供货后,根据买卖合同和发货单,采用异地托收承付结算方式结算货款。B公司于3月20日接到付款通知,3月22日填制拒付理由书拒绝付款,认为合同中未事先约定明确的结算方式,且收款委托中也未注明合同号,后经双方协商改为汇票结算方式。B于4月6日向A开出面额30万元的汇票,期限5个月。A取得票据后不慎被C盗窃,C将票面金额改为50万元并在票据背书添加“A将票据背书转让C”的字样,盗盖A公司公章;之后C又将该票据背书转让给D,D又背书转让给E。E到期向B提示付款,B以A取得时未支付对价为由拒付。E取得拒付理由书后,向D发出书面追索通知,追索金额包括票据金额50万元、逾期付款利息及发出追索通知费用2万元,D以追索金额52万元超过票据金额为由拒绝付款。C认为背书时未注明背书时间且票据也未注明付款日期,票据要件不全,拒绝承担责任。A以该票据被C变造且又未接到追索通知为由拒绝承担责任。 要求:根据上述事实及有关规定,回答下列问题: (1) A、B公司之间货款采用托收承付结算方式结算货款时,B拒付理由是否充分 (2) B对到期票据拒付的理由是否充分 (3) D、C不承担责任的理由是否充分 (4) C对该票据应承担哪些责任,其行为属于何种行为 (5) 若C对该票据属正常背书取得,A未接到追索通知,A是否应承担连带责任


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参考答案:解析:(1)①本破产案件中属于破产费用的有:诉讼费20万元、评估费30万元、管理人报酬 20万元、律师费等费用30万元,共计100万元。 ②本破产案件中属于共益债务的是为继续营业而支付的职工工资及社会...

     My husband is an engineer. Since we met, he has always been the rock in my life .I knew he had his
feet    1    planted on the ground, and it seemed that no matter what else went    2  , he would be the
constant one.
     Three years of romance and two years of marriage later, I began to feel   3   of him because he never
brought me flowers, he never   4    me, and nothing had changed in our marriage.
     After   5  , I finally told him I wanted to be     6  . He just sat there, speechless and didn't even know    7    to say to make me stay. Finally, he spoke, "What can I do to change your   8  ?"
     "I'll stay if you have a good answer   9   this question," I replied coldly. "If I asked for a  10   growing
on a cliff, and getting it for me   11   certain death, would you still do so?"
     His face grew troubled. "Can I give you the answer tomorrow morning?" With that, my heart    12  .
He couldn't even give me an answer   13    away.
     The next morning, I found he was   14  . However, I found a note under a warm glass of milk. My
eyes    15    misty (湿润) as I was reading it.
     "Dear, I'll give you my   16  .
     After you do typing for a long time, I need my     17    to do it for you.
     Every time you leave the house, you forget your keys. I need my legs to run   18   and open the door
for you.... that's why I cannot pick the flower for you..."
     With tears    19    from my eyes, I opened the  door. And there he was, with an extremely worried
look  on his face, waving the packet he had in his hand in front of me.
     Just because someone doesn't love you    20    you  want him to, it doesn't mean that he doesn't love
you heart and soul.
( )1. A. deeply    
( )2. A. different  
( )3. A. liked       
( )4. A. frightened  
( )5. A. some time  
( )6. A. in         
( )7. A. what       
( )8. A. saying      
( )9. A. to          
( )10. A. tree      
( )11. A. meant     
( )12. A. sank      
( )13. A. soon        
( )14. A. missed    
( )15. A. fell      
( )16. A. descriptions
( )17. A. heart      
( )18. A. home       
( )19. A. steaming  
( )20. A. like it    
B. firmly  
B. crazy    
B. tried    
B. loved    
B. sometime  
B. up        
B. which    
B. comment  
B. of        
B. moon      
B. resulted  
B. settled  
B. straight  
B. missing  
B. changed  
B. causes    
B. fingers  
B. at home  
B. stretching
B. way      
C. slightly
C. exciting  
C. fond    
C. surprised
C. sometimes
C. down    
C. how     
C. opinion  
C. for    
C. flower  
C. caused  
C. rose    
C. slight  
C. losing  
C. grew    
C. lists  
C. mind    
C. out     
C. streaming
C. how     
D. totally    
D. excited    
D. tired      
D. lost      
D. some times
D. out        
D. when      
D. mind      
D. about      
D. butterfly  
D. led        
D. worried    
D. quickly    
D. lost      
D. got        
D. reasons    
D. arms      
D. in        
D. spreading  
D. the way    