
幼儿园管理过程的环节包括() A.计划 B.实行 C.检查 D.总结









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参考答案:C, D



材料一 由于几十年来大规模开发北大荒,致使黑龙江平原生态环境恶化,87亿吨地表水随之流失,湿地面积由于上世纪50年代的34000平方公里,减少到目前4490平方公里。

材料二  2012年6月18日,神舟九号飞船与天宫一号实施自动交会对接,这是中国实施的首次载人空间交会对接。在完成捕获、缓冲、拉近和锁紧一系列程序后,我国首次载人交会对接取得成功。按照计划,神舟十号飞船将在明年年内发射与天宫一号完成无人或有人交会对接任务,并建立中国首个空间实验室。



Throughout the ages, man has tried to create beauty through painting, music, sculpture(雕刻) and other kinds of artistic expression. It seems to be a basic need for humans to surround themselves with art. Some people, however, feel that the government is wasting money by spending it on art, particularly when there are so many other more important things that the money can be used for.

It can be wrong for governments to spend large sums of money on art. Too often, governments spend the money unwisely. Cities end up with huge statues or expensive, empty buildings that are only used by a few people. Many times, the art is also chosen to represent social or political rather than artistic                                                                                                                                                                     ideas, and even if it represents artistic ideas, tastes in art can change very rapidly. Without thinking carefully about how to spend the money, the people may end up with an expensive collection of worthless paintings of tasteless productions.

At the same time it would be wrong to say that governments should not spend any money at all on art. Painters, musicians, and composers cannot survive without monetary support. Many times, the art is inaccessible (很难到的) to ordinary people because only rich people and large companies can afford it. Governments have a duty to make this art available to everyone. Art helps people enjoy life,

Although people do need to be provided with the necessities of life, governments also have a duty to provide their citizens with something more. I firmly believe that spending money on art is vital (必不可少的) part of a government’s responsibility, and I am confident that my country is able to contribute a great deal to the rich collection of art from around passage?

60. What does the author mainly tell us in the passage?

A. Why tastes in art change so rapidly.                  B. The importance of art to human beings.

C. Humans’ need to be surrounded by art.

D. Whether or not the government should spend money on art.

61. The following are reasons why governments spend too much money on arts EXCEPT that _____.

A. art is changing with time rapidly                  B. they choose art to serve political purpose

C. they don’t think carefully enough about what to buy

D. art is necessary for the life of poor people

62. The underlined word “monetary” in the third paragraph probably means“_____”.

A. political          B. financial            C. temporary(临时的)          D. continuous

63. According to the author, what is the function of art?

A. Art can be very valuable when it is traded. B. Art makes people’s lives worthwhile.

C. Art can unite governments.     D. Art can make governments fashionable.
