
毛 * * 军事思想对战争起源、()、现代战争的根源,以及无产阶级对于战争的态度等问题作了



毛 * * 军事思想对战争起源、()、现代战争的根源,以及无产阶级对于战争的态度等问题作了精辟的阐述。






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—Hello,Professor Smith.The summer vacation is coming. 小题1:

—I am going to Miami Beach,Florida for two weeks.

—How will you get there?

—  小题2: 

—Does it cost a lot?

—No.The cost is lower out of season.It is my first time to travel by air. 小题3:.

—Don’t worry.Are your family going with you ?

—Yes.We plan to go swimming in the ocean ,enjoy the sunshine on the beach and go water-skiing

—  小题4:  .

—Yeah,they are crossing off the days on the calendar.Are you going go Europe again this summer?

—No,not this time. 小题5: .

—Egypt? It is really a place full of mystery.Have a good trip.

—Thank you .The same to you.

A.In fact,I am a little nervous.

B.When are you leaving?

C.What’s your plan for the vacation?

D.I plan to go there by train.E、I will fly to Miami from New York.

F、I am going to visit some old friends in Egypt.

G、Your children must be excited about it.


材料一   一个老盲人在夜晚走路时,手里总是提着一个明亮的灯笼,别人看见了好奇地问:“你自己也看不见,为什么还要提着灯笼走路?”老人笑着回答:“我提灯笼并不是为自己照路,而是让别人容易看到我,这样既方便了别人,也保护了自己。”

材料二   古希腊神话中有一位大英雄叫海格力斯。有一天,他走在崎岖不平的山路上,突然,脚边有一个袋子似的东西很绊脚。海格力斯猛踢了一脚,那袋子非但未动,反而成倍地膨胀扩大起来。他恼羞成怒地操起一根木棒砸它,那东西竟然长大到把路堵死了。海格力斯无计可施,困惑不解。这时走来一位智者,智者对他说:“朋友,快别动它,远离它,忘了它吧。它叫仇恨袋,你不侵犯它,它便小如当初;你侵犯它,它就会膨胀起来,与你敌对到底!”






Congress began 2010 with a bad case of legislative deja vu. Last year, it approved a $ 787 billion stimulus package meant to "create or save" millions of jobs. President Obama says the stimulus has saved or created as many as 2 million jobs so far. But even if that highly optimistic figure is true, in the real world, over 3 million jobs have been lost since the stimulus was signed into law--a dismal feat all financed with enormous debt. Now Congress is working on another stimulus package, but they’re calling it a jobs bill. In December, the House passed a $174 billion "Jobs for Main Street Bill" that would use federal dollars to fund job-creating infrastructure projects, while extending unemployment benefits. Sound familiar

Unemployment remains at about 10% and state unemployment insurance funds are running out of money. While the Obama administration works to artificially inflate the number of jobs, the unemployed face diminished opportunities and income security. By 2012, 40 state unemployment trust funds are projected to be empty, requiring $ 90 billion in federal loans to continue operating Normally, state unemployment benefits pay jobless workers between 50 and 70% of their salaries for up to 26 weeks. But during this recession, what would be wrong with that Everything. The state-federal unemployment insurance program (UI) is an economic drag on businesses and states. And it’s a poor safety net for the unemployed.

UI, a relic of the Depression, fails workers when they need it most. UI trust funds depend on a state- levied payroll tax on employers. During boom years, these funds are generally flush. But during recessions, they can get depleted quickly. The bind is that to replenish their UI fund, states have to raise payroll taxes. That hurts the bottom line for most businesses. Passed on to workers as a lower salary, high payroll taxes discourage businesses from hiring. During steep recessions, states face a fiscal Catch- 22: Reduce benefits or raise taxes. To date, 27 states have depleted their UI funds and are using $ 29 billion in federal loans they’ll have to start repaying in 2011. Other states are slashing benefits. While federal guidelines recommend that states keep one year’s worth of unemployment reserves, many states entered the recession already insolvent. When federal loans are exhausted, the only option left is higher payroll taxes--a move sure to discourage hiring and depress salaries.

The increasingly small and uncertain payouts of UI are the opposite of income security. The effect of UI’s eight-decade experiment has been to condition workers to save less for a "rainy day" and instead rely on a system that provides no guarantee. UI limits personal responsibility to save; gradually, individuals find themselves in financial peril. Real reform requires putting employees in charge with individual private accounts and getting the government out of the business of creating illusionary safety nets.

Unemployment Insurance Savings Accounts (UISAs), by contrast, give workers control of their own income, eliminating the negative effects of the UI program on businesses and budgets. Adopted by Chile in 2003, UISAs are also financed via a payroll tax on individual workers and employers. The difference is the money is directly deposited into the individual worker’s account. Basically a form of forced savings, UISAs allow individuals to draw on their own accounts during periods of unemployment and roll unused funds into their savings upon retirement. With the burden reduced on employers, wages rise, leading to greater contributions to the individual’s fund. The federal government is removed from the picture. And all workers are guaranteed a savings account upon retirement.

UISAs liberate workers from uncertainty and improve incentives. When unemployed workers must rely on their own funds rather than the common fiscal pool, they find jobs faster. Congress’s repeated extensions of the current UI program may be well intended, but they may also be counterproductive. Like any deadline extension, additional jobless benefits diminish the job seeker’s urgency, all at taxpayers’ expense.

Today, expanded UI benefits mean higher state payroI1 taxes, which make it harder for employers to expand hiring or raise wages. UISAs, on the other hand, make the payroll tax on business part of the employer’s investment in an individual worker, rather than a penalty for doing business. In 2010, it’s time to say goodbye e to the problems created by broken policies. Congress should start this decade with a promise for true economic freedom: Let businesses create jobs and let workers keep what they’ve earned.

Which of the following can serve as a topic for the passage().

A. State unemployment benefits help workers overcome difficulties.

B. US workers need a better safety net for layoffs.

C. Employers’ contribution would only have negative effects.

D. Unemployment benefits should be carried on both federal and state level.
