
治疗暑热夹湿证的最佳方剂是() A.藿香正气散 B.白虎汤 C.生脉散 D.六一散

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题









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【注】①长铨:长,掌管;铨:铨选,选拔。 ②僧保:生平不详。

小题1:对下列句子中加点词的解释不正确的一项是                   (  )




D.出珠授之,封宛然记号,标记小题2:下列各项都能直接表现王翱“忠清”的一组是                (  )

①翱请犯赃吏但许赎罪,不得复官  ②列卷火之

③公大怒,取案上器击伤夫人      ④公受珠,内所著披袄中,纫之 

⑤公拆袄,出珠授之              ⑥所恐遗误圣谕,令此郎代识之

A ①②⑤        B ③④⑥        C ①④⑥        D ②③⑤ 

小题3:下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是           (  )




D.文中所选的几件事都是从正面直接来表现王翱高尚人格,对朋友有情有义,对家人要求严格,为官忠正不阿,对朝廷和皇帝能恪尽职守,坦诚对待。小题4:把文言文中画线的句子翻译成现代汉语 (10分)




What happens to mother-daughter relationships when girls become teenagers. It seems that girls go from playing “dress up”, to arguing with their mothers about how they should dress.

When a girl is 3-4 years old they love to “dress up” in their mothers’ clothes, put on their mothers’ makeup, cook, and do whatever else their mother does. This is the time when she can be classified as being a mama’s girl.

How come girls change so much from childhood to the teenage years? Many parents seek the answer when their daughter becomes a teen. Often when a girl enters high school her behavior changes as well as her physical appearance.

When I was young I always liked playing “dress up”. It made me feel older and more like my mother. Even when I entered middle school, I still depended a lot on my mother to choose and buy my clothes. Once I entered high school there was a big change. To me, my mother’s clothes were no longer “in fashion”, and neither was her opinion. I started becoming interested in boys and tried to improve the way I looked. It was not that I wanted to look cool, I just wanted to look my age.

This is the time that the mother-daughter relationship can take a turn. It’s difficult for a mother to know that her daughter is no longer totally dependent on her.

When the daughter starts wearing revealing clothing, dating, and just wanting to be more independent, a mother starts to feel left out, or not needed. The number of arguments increases, and the number of times when the mother and daughter get along happily decreases.

When these things start to happen, it is a sign that the daughter wants her independence and the freedom to grow up.

When you notice how much your relationship had changed, try to believe positive things come out of the change. Put all the negatives aside and concentrate on what your mother is feeling instead of just on what you’re feeling.

When it seems too hard to handle, take some quiet time and write out your feelings. Maybe at another time, you can share them with your mother and try to find a way to better your relationship as mother and daughter. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing your feelings, at least write them down so you can get them out. It’s better than keeping them bottled up inside.

小题1:The girls would argue with their mothers because ________.

A.they need more independence

B.mothers want daughters to be mama’s girls again

C.they think their mothers’ clothes are no longer in fashion

D.all of the above小题2:From the passage, we know that ________.

A.the teenage period is a sensitive part in human life

B.the parents can’t get the answer why their daughters change a lot

C.they can get on well only in talking, no matter what mothers or daughters do

D.mothers should concentrate on their own feelings小题3:A “mama’s girl” will Not________.

A.dress up in her mother’s clothes

B.depend a lot on her mother to choose and buy her clothes

C.like wearing revealing clothing

D.think her mother’s clothes are in fashion小题4:When the daughter starts wanting to be more independent, ________.

A.a mother starts to feel left out

B.it is the time when mother and daughter get on joyfully increases

C.she wants to look cool

D.All of the above
