
马斯洛将人的需要分为()个层次A、四 B、六 C、五 D、三









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Compared with IBM, Microsoft is a mere young company. Founded in 1975, it rose swiftly to dominate the world of personal computing with its Windows operating system and Office suite of word-processing and other productivity tools. But the company is now showing some worrying signs of middle-age fatigue. In particular, it is struggling to find a growth strategy that will enthuse disappointed shareholders.

Complaint are understandable. Since Steve Ballmer took over from Bill Gates as chief executive in 2000, Microsoft’s share price has decreased and the company has lost its reputation as a tech trend-setter. It has been left behind in hot areas such as search and social networking by younger companies, some of which love to thumb their noses at their older rival. Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, recently proclaimed that leadership in the tech world had passed from Microsoft and others to a "Gang of Four" fast-growing, consumer-oriented businesses: Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook.

Few would object to that. The question is: what,if anything, can Microsoft do to change it In at least some respects, the company appears to be suffering from similar ailments to those that laid IBM low before Lou Gerstner was hired in 1993 to get it back on its feet. These include arrogance bred of dominance of a particular area-mainframe computers at IBM, personal computers at Microsoft—and internal fiefs that hamper swift change.

As IBM’s experience shows, recovery in the tech world is possible. And some observers see encouraging signs of progress at Microsoft. Sarah Rotman Epps of Forrester, a research firm, reckons that Windows 8, a forthcoming version of Microsoft’s operating system, could be a serious competitor to Google’s Android on tablet computers if the company can get it to market next year.Microsoft is also in far better shape financially than IBM was at its lowest point, so it can afford to splash out on acquisitions such as its recent $8.5 billion purchase of Skype, an internet-phone and video-calling service.

That bet and an alliance with Nokia in mobile phones show that Microsoft is trying to bulk up in promising areas. Yet sceptics worry that such initiatives are not the product of an comprehensive strategic vision, but are instead temporary moves designed to calm critics who fear Microsoft is drifting downwards. David Einhorn, a prominent hedge-fund manager whose fund holds shares in Microsoft, has publicly called for a change at the top of the firm, arguing that Mr Ballmer is "stuck in the past". So far, the company’s board, chaired by Mr Gates, has backed its chief executive. But if IBM’s history is a guide, Microsoft may yet end up jettisoning its leader.

Some people are optimistic about Microsoft’s future probably in that()

A. they have faith in its innovation ability

B. its financial situation is better than IBM’s

C. they have noticed the efforts it is making

D. Windows 8 and Skype are bound to be popular

题型:问答题 案例分析题


英雄在词典中解释为本领高强、英勇过人的人;不怕困难、不顾自己,为人民利益而英勇斗争,令人钦敬的人。作为中 * * 英雄文化史的一部分,他们在某一个特定历史时期,展现不同的英雄特质:忠于诚信、舍生取义、公而忘私、艰苦奋斗……

不管是岳飞、文天祥还是黄继光、董存瑞,他们身上所体现出的国家情怀和民族气节一脉相承,都是中 * * 的脊梁,他们的事迹和精神都是激励我们前行的强大力量。不管时代怎样变迁,英雄精神都是一种价值观的传承,它构成做我们民族的精神内核,凝聚正义、力量和无畏的勇气;他还以各种各样的方式,给我们以引领和激励。一个没有英雄精神的人,是心灵患有软骨病的人;一个不能崇尚英雄精神民族,是前程暗淡的民族。

在目前社会转型期,人们的思想日益多元化,对英雄也有了不同的认知甚至质疑。有人觉得,英雄只属于他们自己的时代;也有人对英雄的事迹和壮举提出质疑甚至抹杀。面对社会上出现的对英雄质疑甚至抹杀的历史虚无主义思潮,我们必须弘扬英雄精神,充分发挥英雄精神在中 * * 伟大复兴进程中的作用。

