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     Chinese are very generous(慷慨) when it comes to educating their children . Not caring about the

money , parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England , the United

States or Australia . They also want their children to take extra-course activities where they will either

learn a musical instrument or ballet ,or other classes that will give them a head start in life . The Chinese

believe that the more expensive an education is , the better it is . So parents will spend an unreasonable

amount of money on education .Even poor families will buy a computer for their son or daughter .  

     However , what most parents fail to see is that the best early education they can give their children

is usually very cheap .  

     Parents can see that their children's skills vary (变化),skilled in some areas while poor in others.

What most parents fail to realize is that today's children lack (缺少) self-respect and self-confidence .  

     The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple-choice tests

and how to study well , but parents are not teaching them the most important skills they need to be

confident ,happy and clever .  

     Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking , sewing and doing other housewk .  

     Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life . Cooking needs

patience and time . It is an enjoyable but difficult experience . A good cook always tries to improve his

cooking ,so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish his job successfully .His result , a well-cooked

dinner , will give him much satisfaction (满意) and a lot of self-confidence .  

     Some old machines ,such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your child to play with will make

him curious (好奇的) and arouse (唤起) his interest . He will spend hours looking at them , trying to fix

them ; your child might become an engineer when he grows up . These activities are not only teaching a

child to read a book , but rather to think , to use his mind . And that is more important .

1.Parents in China ,according to this passage , _____.

A. are too strict with their children     

B. are too rich to educate their children     

C. have some problems in educating their children correctly     

D. are too poor to educate their children

2.Generally speaking ,children's skills _____.

A. come from their parents      

B. have nothing to do with their education

C. may be different            

D. have something to do with their marks in the exams

3. The writer of the passage does not seem to be satisfied with _____.

A. the parents' ideas of educating their children    

B. the education system

C. children's skills                            

D. children's hobbies

4. Doing some cooking at home helps children _____.

A. learn how to serve their parents

B. learn how to become strong and fat

C. improve many skills that they will need later in life

D. make their parents make that they are clever

5. According to the last paragraph we can conclude that _____.

A. broken radios and television sets are useful

B. one's curiosity may be useful for his later life

C. an engineer must fix many broken radios

D. a good student should spend much time repairing radios


( 22 分)

表l : 2008 一2009年第三季度我国国内生产总值同比增速(按季度统计)

注:2009 年我国全年经济增长目标为8 %。

材料一2008 年下半年以来,面对国际金融危机带来的严咬挑战和极其复杂的国际国内形势,中央及时调整宏观经济政策,实施积极的时政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,及时出台、全面实施并不断丰富完善应对国际金融危机的一揽子计划及相关政策措施,推出总颇达4 万亿元的投资计划,牢牢把握经济工作的主动权。

( l )根据表1 对我国当前经济运行态势作出判断(2 分)。联系上述判断,指出材料一给我们经济方面的启示。(4 分))

表2 : 2009 年前三季度GDP 增长率及投资、消费、出口对GDP 增长的贡献

2009年前三季度GDP 增长率2009年前三季度投资、消费、出口

对GDP 增长的贡献

7 . 7 %7 . 3 %4 %3 . 6 %

材料二2009年9 月末,我国出口连续第三个月超过1000亿美元,环比增长11 . 8 % ,但同比下降15.2 %。我国出口仍有隐忧,如:作为我国主要贾易伙伴的发达经济体需求升温,但复苏动力依然不稳;出口产品特别是一些劳动密集型产品利润收窄,贾易增长与效益增长不同步;国际贸易摩擦日益突出,贸易保护主义有所抬头。

( 2 )针对表2 和材料二反映的间题,对我国经济发展提出建议。(8 分)


( 3 )运用国际社会的有关知识,说明世界各国反对贸易保护主义的理由。(8 分)


A公司为增值税一般纳税企业。2005年6月初的资产、负债、所有者权益分别为 1 500万元、600万元和900万元。6月份发生如下经济业务:
(1) 接受甲企业固定资产投资。该固定资产原值20万元,累计折旧4万元,评估原价 18万元,评估净值15万元,双方确认的固定资产价值为15万元。
(2) 购入材料一批,价款50万元,增值税8.5万元,全部款项以银行存款支付,材料已经验收入库。
(3) 6月1日从银行取得短期借款40万元,期限为6个月,年利率3%。
(4) 收到B公司开来的代销清单后,企业开具增值税发票交付B公司,发票上注明售价15万元,增值税2.55万元,扣除1.5万元手续费后,应收B公司16.05万元,款项尚未
(5) 向C公司发出商品,成本6万元,售价8万元,增值税率17%。上月已预收C公司购货款4万元,余款尚未收到。
(6) 本月盘盈一项固定资产,经批准,作为营业外收入。该固定资产重置完全价值5万元,估计折旧3万元。
(7) 计提本期固定资产折旧10万元,其中车间用固定资产折旧7万元,行政管理部门用固定资产折旧3万元。
(8) 向希望工程捐款6万元。
(9) 计提本月份应分担的短期借款利息0.1万元。
(10) 以银行存款12万元购入专利一项,预计可使用年限为5年。
1) 根据上述业务编制分录;
2) 计算6月末资产负债表“期末数”栏中“资产合计”、“负债合计”和“所有者权益合计”的金额。(答案金额以万元为单位)
