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"I was just like you--I’ thought I was invincible," says Adam Blomberg, standing before 400 students in a darkened auditorium at Miami’s Coral Reef Senior High School. A photo of a bloodied and unconscious teenager, a breathing tube protruding from his mouth, flashes on the wall.

"That was me," he says. There’s a collective gasp before the room grows silent and Blomberg,31, an anesthesiologist who trained at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, begins the story of what happened one night in February 1995.

He created a presentation illustrating the dangers of behaving irresponsibly in a car, from not buckling up to speeding to driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. He tracked down photos of teen crash victims from the center’s archives, then incorporated statistics and his own experience. He spoke the first time to a local Boy Scout troop and was soon giving his talk, "A Survivor’s Story," at high schools around the state.

The Blomberg family had reason to celebrate. Adam had fully recovered and was on his way to fulfilling his lifelong dream of becoming a doctor. But in January 2000, Blomberg’s 22-year-old step-brother, Michael, was killed in a crash while driving to his Atlanta home late one night. He wasn’t wearing a seat belt. After the accident, Blomberg stopped telling his story to crowds, racked with guilt over his inability to reach Michael. If Blomberg had failed his own brother, he reasoned, how could he possibly make a difference to a roomful of strangers Requests from schools continued to roll in, but he turned down every one.

Then Blomberg got a call from a high school counselor. As he started into his standard excuse-lack of time—he looked across the room at a stack of thank-you notes from students who had heard him speak. He realized that kids needed to hear what he had to say. He agreed to visit the school and began contacting others on the waiting list for his talks.

Blomberg leaves the school hoping he has changed someone’s behavior. He recalls a letter he received from a student who heard him speak and got into a crash later that same day but was unharmed. " She told me she was wearing her seat belt because of me."

Letters like this reinforce his belief that he survived the accident for a reason. "There are a lot of physicians in the world, and we all save lives," he says. "I have a special opportunity to save lives not just as a doctor but also as a human being.\

What makes him regain his belief in the value of his speeches()

A. Constant invitation calls from schools

B. The death of his stepbrother Blomberg

C. The thank-you letters confirming his speeches’ values

D. Numerous accidents he heard of

                                    Hong Kong Harbor Cruise By Night
Enjoy your wonderful dinner on the ferry and see the fantastic city lights.
TIME:     7:00 pm                            10:00 pm daily
PRICE:    With dinner                       Without dinner
Adult:       HK$300                               HK$120
Child under 12:  HK$210                     HK$84
START/STOP: Kowloon Public Pier (Near Star Ferry Pier)
TICKET OFFICE: Star Company (123 Canton Road )
1. Where does the cruise start?
A. Kowloon Public Pier.
B. Near Star Company.
C. On the ferry.
2. If Mr and Mrs Brown want to have dinner on the ferry, how much will they pay?
A. HK$300.
B. HK$600.
C. HK$420.
3. Where can they buy the tickets? 
A. A Kowloon Public Pier.
B. Near Star Ferry Pier.
C. Star Company.
4. What can they see on the ferry?
A. A film.
B. The city lights.
C. Playing sports.
5. If you are eleven years old and you don't have dinner during the cruise, how much will you pay?
A. HK$300.
B. HK$120.
C. HK$84.

依次填入下列句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是(   )

①全长仅600多米的文德路上,文化商肆林立,卖古玩、字画、书籍和文房四宝的商铺         ,成行成市。(鳞次栉比  星罗棋布)

②亚运期间,志愿者热心服务大众,他们既能详细地为游客提供各类场馆的介绍,又能        地向大家讲解场馆各自的特点。(栩栩如生   绘声绘色)

③广州沙面随处可见的古榕树大多        相仿,它们虽然都经历了一百多年的风风雨雨,现在依然挺拔葱茏,生机盎然。(年纪  年龄)




