
踝关节外侧副韧带容易在跖屈内翻位受伤,主要是因为()。A、外踝比内踝长 B、距骨体前









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参考答案:A, C, E



     When I was a boy, my father told me that he could do anything he wanted to.Dad said that he wanted

to be the first to develop color prints in our city, and so he did.

     When I was 16, Dad looked closely at the violin I played and announced that he wanted to make

one.  He read about violin making, and then became a violinmaker at the age of 43.He bought the tools

and materials, opened a small store and set Mom up as the shopkeeper, while he worked at a local

company.He retired from the company 17 years later and continued to make violins and other instruments.

     Dad often guessed why the Stradivarius violins sound so beautiful.Some experts claimed that it was

the unique varnish that gave those instruments their beautiful sound.Dad argued that chemists could

analyze the varnish-if that were the answer.

      One of Dad's friends asked him once which kind of wood wasused to make violins.When Dad

explained that the top wasmade of spruce, his friend said that he had an old pieceof spruce Dad might be

interested in.He worked for the next 12 months making a violin from thewood that his friend had given

him.It proved to be a superior violin and it would become Dad's masterpiece.He was convinced that the

secret of the Stradivarius sound was in the wood itself.

     Later, the instrument was stolen.Dad's spirit was broken by the robbery, and he stopped making

instruments.But he kept the music shop until he was 80 years old, selling guitars and violins.

     My father has been gone for 14 years now.The violin has been missing for more than 25 years.

Somewhere a musician is playing a late20thcentury violin with an excellent tone.The owner today may

never understand why this ordinarylooking violin sounds so much like a Stradivarius.

1.The author mentions his father's developing color prints____  .

A. to show that his father's real interest was not in makingviolins

B. to prove that his father could do anything he wanted to

C. to give an example proving that his father was an inventor

D. to describe the real thing that made the author believe his father

2.What did the author's father think about Stradivarius violins?

A.The varnish was different from the others.

B.The way of making them was special.

C.The wood of the violins was special.

D.They could only be analyzed by chemists.

3.From the underlined sentence, we can learn that the author's father ____.

A. liked the violin very much

B. got crazy after this happened

C. lost interest in instruments        

D. didn't want to become famous

4.How long did the author's father live after the violin was stolen?

A. About 11 years.              

B. About 14 years.

C. About 25 years.                    

D. About 80 years.

5.We can infer from the last paragraph that the author  ____ .

A.really hates the thief

B.misses his father a lot

C.really wants to play the violin

D.wonders who's playing the violin now


4月1日,某建筑公司为买进一批水泥,分别向甲水泥厂和乙水泥厂发出了信函,内容如下:我公司急需某型号水泥100吨,如果你厂有货,请来函告知,具体价格面议。甲水泥厂收到该信后,给建筑公司回了一封信,内容是:你公司所需的某型号水泥我厂有现货,每吨的价格600元,如果需要的话,请先预付货款1万元,余款货到后支付。如果我厂在4月10日没有收到贵公司的回信的,即表示你公司同意我厂提出的条件,我厂将径直发货至你公司。建筑公司收到甲水泥厂的回信后,认为甲水泥厂提供的货款支付方式可以接受,但是希望每吨价格为 550元,于是,向甲水泥厂发出了第二封信,内容是:我公司愿意和你厂达成这笔交易,但每吨价格能否为550元,货款支付方式我公司都接受,但是希望你厂能送货上门,并在本月15日之前给予答复。某建筑公司于4月10收到乙厂报价信函,内容为:我厂有你公司需要的水泥,价格为450元,如果同意购买,请在4月20日之前给予答复。建筑公司认为乙水泥厂的价格合理,于是4月12日向乙厂发出表示同意乙厂的条件的信函。

