
The central problem of economics is to sat



The central problem of economics is to satisfy the people’s and nation’s wants. The problem we are faced with is that our (1) , here identified as money, are (2) . The only way we can resolve our (3) is to make choices. After looking at our resources, we must examine our list of (4) and identify the things we need (5) , those we can postpone, and (6) we cannot afford. As individuals, we face the central problem involved in economics — deciding just how to allocate our limited resources to provide ourselves with the greatest (7) of our wants.
Nations face the same problem. As a country’s population (8) , the need for more goods and services grows (9) . Resources necessary to production may increase, but there are (10) enough resources to satisfy the total desires of a (11) . Whether the budget meeting is taking place in the family living-room, in the conference room of the corporation (12) of directors, or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington, the basic problem still exists. We need to find (13) of allocating limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants.
A short time ago, economists divided goods into two categories, free and economic. The former, like air and water, were in (14) abundance that economists had no concern about (15) of scarcity and what to do about it. Today many of these "free goods" are in (16) very expensive to use. Pollution has made clean air and water expensive for producers who have to filter their waste products, for consumers who ultimately pay for the producers’ extra costs, and (17) tax-payers who pay for the government’s involvement in cleaning the environment.
In the 1990s, almost all goods are (18) . Only by effort and money can they be (19) in the form people wish.
Meeting the needs of people and the demands from resources available leads to the basic activity of production. In trying to (20) unlimited wants from limited economic goods, production leads to new problems in economics.


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参考答案:机械损伤 梗阻 感染 肾功能损伤


吃鱼为什么使人聪明呢这是高不饱和脂肪酸的作用。鱼的DHA含量高,特别是鱼头、鱼眼中的DHA高达40%~70%。DHA对神经细胞,特别是轴突之生长、网络之形成极其有益,因此对健脑益智有明显作用。据专家研究报告,婴儿在出生后不久脑细胞即达140亿个。此后无论脑细胞的数量及体积都不再增加。这些突起在脑神经间形成细密的网膜。而这些网膜主要由脂肪构成。人脑的脂肪占脑的 60%,这就是鱼油、核桃、芝麻的不饱和脂肪酸健脑益素,除了高不饱和脂肪酸外也需要蛋白质、矿物质、微量元素。但它需要的脂肪酸不足,则影响智力的,不能从儿童的大脑转变为成人的大脑,其智力将停留在儿童的阶段。所以泡饭加咸菜是早餐既不能满足儿童对热量的要求,也不能满足儿童长身体的要求,更不能满足儿童发展智力的要求。





