



李某自有房屋1间,2005年5月1日与王某签订一份为期3年的房屋租赁合同,由王某承租该房。同年8月6日孙某向李某提出愿意购买该房屋,李某即将要出卖该房屋的情况告知了王某。到了11月7日王某没有任何答复,李某与孙某协商以5万元的价格将该房卖给孙某,双方签订了房屋买卖合同,孙某支付了全部房款。但在双方准备办理房产变更登记前数日,李某遇赵某,赵某愿以 6万元价格买下该房屋。李某遂与赵某又签订了一份房屋买卖合同,且双方第二天即到房屋管理部门办理了变更登记。不久,赵某向银行贷款,以该房设定抵押。现就本案例回答以下问题。

就房屋买卖关系而言,下列表述中正确的有( )。






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题型:单项选择题 案例分析题

患者14岁,体格及智力发育与同龄人相似,已出现第二性征3年,一直无月经来潮。近1年常感下腹胀痛,每一至两月发作一次,每次持续3~4天,可自然缓解,近来偶于腹痛时伴有腰骶部胀痛及肛门坠胀,亦可自然缓解。2月前无意间发现下腹部有一包块。查体:身高160cm,体重50kg, * * 发育好,女性体态,其他系统查体未发现异常。

该患者妇科检查见阴阜、大小阴唇、阴蒂均发育正常,前庭内未见 * * 开口,仅于相应位置见直径约1cm的紫蓝色组织向外膨出,直肠一腹部检查于 * * 相应部位可扪及直径约3cm的条索状物,盆腔内可扪及直径约10cm类圆形包块,边界尚清晰,无压痛。双附件区均未扪及异常。该患者诊断考虑()


B. * * 肿瘤



E.先天性无 * *



The head of the Library of Congress is to name Donald Hall, a writer whose deceptively simple language builds on images of the New England landscape, as the nation’s 14th poet laureate today.
Mr. Hall, a poet in the distinctive American tradition of Robert Frost, has also been a harsh critic of the religious right’s influence on government arts policy. And as a member of the advisory council of the National Endowment for the Arts during the administration of George H. W. Bush, he referred to those he thought were interfering with arts grants as "bullies and art bashers".
He will succeed Ted Kooser, the Nebraskan who has been the poet laureate since 2004.
The announcement of Mr. Hall’s appointment is to be made by James H. Billington, the Librarian of Congress. Mr. Billington said that he chose Mr. Hall because of "the sustained quality of his poetry, the reach and the variety of things he talks about." Like Mr. Kooser, Mr. Billington said, Mr. Hall "evokes a sense of place."
Mr. Hall, 77, lives in a white clapboard farmhouse in Wilmot, N. H. , that has been in his family for generations. He said in a telephone interview that he didn’t see the poet laureateship as a bully pulpit. "But it’s a pulpit anyway," he said. "If I see First Amendment violations, I will speak up."
Mr. Hall is an extremely productive writer who has published about 18 books of poetry, 20 books of prose and 12 children’s books. He has won many awards, including a national Book Critics Circle Award in 1989 for "The One Day," a collection.
In recent years much of his poetry has been preoccupied with the death of his wife, the poet Jane Kenyon, in 1995.
Robert Pinsky, who was poet laureate from 1997 to 2000 said he welcomed Mr. Hall’s appointment, especially in light of his previous outspokenness about politics and arts. "There is something nicely symbolic, and maybe surprising," Mr. Pinsky said, "that they have selected someone who has taken a stand for freedom."
The position carries an award of $35,000 and $5,000 travel allowance. It usually lasts a year, though poets are sometimes reappointed.

What is the best title for the passage

A.A Guard for Politics and Arts

B.A New Poet Laureate

C.A Representative for Freedom

D.The Winning of a Poet
