




“大约在公元700年,北欧国家进入了维金时代。这一时代的特点是,大批青年竞相扬帆出海,驶往一切欧洲国家进行征战和从事贸易。维金时代有一条横贯北大西洋西部的航线。这条航线使用者主要是挪威人和冰岛发现之后的冰岛人。随着时光的推移,北欧人在这条航线上发现了一个又一个岛屿。他们便在岛上定居下来,首先被发现的是舍德兰群岛和奥肯尼岛;然后是法罗群岛和冰岛;最后是格陵兰岛。作为北欧人向西方拓展的一个合乎逻辑的结果,北欧人最终到达了美洲的海岸,这一切发生在哥伦布时代之前约 500年。”




  • [a]北欧人在格陵兰岛上的定居情况时说,主要有两个:一是南部的东定居点;二是北部的西定居点。考古人员
  • [b]在定居点发掘出300多座农场,70多座教堂和两座修道院的
  • [c]。学者们
  • [d]这些定居点在它的鼎盛时期有4000多人生活在那里。岛上的人们与挪威的卑尔根之间,还有一条直通的航线,保证着西进者与北欧的经济与文化联系。








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参考答案:C解析: 销售量=(30000+10000)/(25-20)=8000(件)。


Shortly after September 11th, President Bush’s father observed that just as Pearl Harbor awakened this country from the notion that we could somehow avoid the call of duty to defend freedom in Europe and Asia in World War Two, so, too, should this most recent surprise attack erase the concept in some quarters that America can somehow go it alone in the fight against terrorism or in anything else for that matter.

But America’s allies have begun to wonder whether that is the lesson that has been learned--or whether the Afghanistan campaign’s apparent success shows that unilateralism works just fine. The United States, that argument goes, is so dominant that it can largely afford to go it alone.

It is true that no nation since Rome has loomed so large above the others, but even Rome eventually collapsed. Only a decade ago, the conventional wisdom lamented an America in decline. Bestseller lists featured books that described America’s fall. Japan would soon become "Number One". That view was wrong at the time, and when I wrote "Bound to Lead" in 1989, I, like others, predicted the continuing rise of American power. But the new conventional wisdom that America is invincible is equally dangerous if it leads to a foreign policy that combines unilateralism, arrogance and parochialism.

A number of advocates of "realist" international-relations theory have also expressed concern about America’s staying-power. Throughout history, coalitions of countries have arisen to balance dominant powers, and the search for traditional shifts in the balance of power and new state challengers is well under way. Some see China as the new enemy; others envisage a Russia-China-India coalition as the threat. But even if China maintains high growth rates of 6% while the United States achieves only 2%, it will not equal the United States in income per head until the last half of the century.

Still others see a uniting Europe as a potential federation that will challenge the United States for primacy. But this forecast depends on a high degree of European political unity, and a low state of transatlantic relations. Although realists raise an important point about the leveling of power in the international arena, their quest for new cold-war-style challengers is largely barking up the wrong tree. They are ignoring deeper changes in the distribution and nature of power in the contemporary world. The paradox of American power in the 21st century is that the largest power since Rome cannot achieve its objectives unilaterally in a global information age.

According to the text, cooperative bodies of countries have emerged()

A.to defeat new state challengers

B.to defend international relations

C. to maintain high growth rates

D.to equalize dominant powers
