
A企业为一般纳税企业,增值税税率为17%,有关资料如下: 该企业2008年12月发



(1)购进原材料一批,价款100000元,增值税率17%,款项以存款支付,材料已验收入库 (原材料按实际成本计价核算。);
(2)销售给B公司产品一批,增值税专用发票上的售价为300000元,收到B公司交来面值为 351000元的银行承兑汇票一张,销售成本为200000元;
(4)B公司来函提出本月购买的产品中,有 100000元的甲产品质量不完全合格,要求在价格上给予40000元的折让,经查明,符合原合同约定,同意B公司的要求,并办理退款手续和开具红字增值税发票;
(5)2008年8月1日为客户研制一项产品,工期为6个月,合同收入330000元,到2008年12月31日已发生成本220000元,已预收账款 200000元,预计开发完成此项产品总成本为 250000元。年未经专业测量师测量,产品的开发程度为85%;
(8)12月31日,购入C公司有表决权的股票 100万股。占乙公司股份的25%,从而对C公司的财务和经营政策有重大影响。该股票每股买入价为8元,其中每股含已宣告分派但尚未领取的现金股利0.20元;另外,长江公司在购买股票时还支付相关税费10000元,款项均由银行存款支付(假定C公司2008年12月31日可辨认净资产的公允价值为3200万元)。
(9)假定A企业12月份的应纳税所得额为 100000元。


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参考答案:A解析: 利息保障倍数比率=息前税前收益/利益支出=70000/3000=23.33 选项(b)不正确,用净收入(40000美元)和利息支出(3000美元)的和除以利息支出(3000美元),没有意义。选项(c)不正确,用净收入(40000...


If you wish to become a better reader, here are four important points to remember about rate, or speed, of reading:

1. Knowing why you are reading—what you are reading to find out—will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly.

2. Some things should be read slowly throughout. Examples are directions for making or doing something, arithmetic problems, science and history books, which are full of important information. You must read such things slowly to remember each important step and understand each important idea.

3. Some things should be read rapidly throughout. Examples are simple stories meant for enjoyment, news, and letters from friends, items, or bits of news from local, or hometown, paper, telling what is happening to friends and neighbors.

4. In some of your readings, you must change your speed from fast to slow to fast, as you go along. You need to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful readings when you come to important ideas which must be remembered.

48. According to the passage, your reading speed depends on ________.

A. whether the reading material is easy or difficult

B. what you are reading

what your purpose in reading something is

D. both B and C

49. If one wants to be relaxed by reading, one should take up ________.

A. a story book             B. a book on science and technology

C. news, letters from friends D. some material full of information

50. Which of the following readings should you read slowly and carefully?

A. Fairy tales.                   B. Aesop’s Fables.

C. Directions for use of a machine D. An evening paper.

51. Which of the following can best express the main idea of the passage?

A. How to decide your reading speed.  B. How to raise your reading speed.

C. How to improve your reading skills.  D. How to choose your reading materials.
