
We have known for a long time that the org



We have known for a long time that the organization of any particular society is influenced by the definition of the sexes and the distinction drawn between them. But we have realized only recently that the identity of each sex is not so easy to pin down, and that definitions evolve in accordance with different types of culture known to us, that is, scientific discoveries and ideological revolutions. Our nature is not considered as immutable, either socially or biologically. As we approach the beginning of the 21st century, the substantial progress made in biology and genetics is radically challenging the roles, responsibilities and specific characteristics attributed to each sex, and yet, scarcely twenty years ago, these were thought to be "beyond dispute".

We can safely say, with a few minor exceptions, that the definition of the sexes and their respective functions remained unchanged in the West from the beginning of the 19tb century to the 1960s. The role distinction, raised in some cases to the status of uncompromising dualism on a ply hierarchical model, lasted throughout this period, appealing for its justification to nature, religion and customs alleged to have existed since the dawn of time. The woman bore children and took care of the home. The man set out tc conquer the world and was responsible for the survival of his family, by satisfying their needs in peacetime and going to war when necessary.

The entire world order rested on the divergence of the sexes. Any overlapping or confusion between the roles was seen as a threat to the time-honored order of things. It was felt to be against nature, a deviation from the norm.

Sex roles were determined according to the "place" appropriate to each. Women’s place was, first and foremost, in the home. The outside world, i.e. workshops, factories and business firms, belonged to men. This sex-based division of the world (private and public) gave rise to a strict dichotomy between the attitudes, which conferred on each its special identity. The woman, sequestered at home, "cared, nurtured and conserved". To do this, she had no need to be daring, ambitious, tough or competitive. The man, on the other hand, competing with his fellow men, was caught up every day in the struggle for survival, and hence developed those characteristics which were thought natural in a man.

Today, many women go out to work, and their reasons for doing so have changed considerably. Besides, the traditional financial incentives, we find ambition and personal fulfillment motivating those in the most favorable circumstances, and the wish to have a social life and to get out of their domestic isolation influencing others. Above all, for all women, work is invariably connected with the desire for independence.

From paragraph 1 we can infer that it is now possible for women to embark on a career because()

A.the change in sex roles is out of the question

B. women’s lib has been going on for many years

C. ideas about the roles of women have been changing

D.the expansion of sciences scarcely remolds the women’s roles


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KK is a large listed company. When a non-executive directorship of KK Limited became available, John Soria was nominated to fi ll the vacancy. John is the brother-in-law of KK’s chief executive Ken Kava. John is also the CEO of Soria Supplies Ltd, KK’s largest single supplier and is, therefore, very familiar with KK and its industry. He has sold goods to KK for over 20 years and is on friendly terms with all of the senior offi cers in the company. In fact last year, Soria Supplies appointed KK’s fi nance director, Susan Schwab, to a non-executive directorship on its board. The executive directors of KK all know and like John and so plan to ask the nominations committee to appoint him before the next AGM. KK has recently undergone a period of rapid growth and has recently entered several new overseas markets, some of which, according to the fi nance director, are riskier than the domestic market. Ken Kava, being the dominant person on the KK board, has increased the risk exposure of the company according to some investors. They say that because most of the executive directors are less experienced, they rarely question his overseas expansion strategy. This expansion has also created a growth in employee numbers and an increase in the number of executive directors, mainly to manage the increasingly complex operations of the company. It was thought by some that the company lacked experience and knowledge of international markets as it expanded and that this increased the risk of the strategy’s failure. Some shareholders believed that the aggressive strategy, led by Ken Kava, has been careless as it has exposed KK Limited to some losses on overseas direct investments made before all necessary information on the investment was obtained. As a large listed company, the governance of KK is important to its shareholders. Fin Brun is one of KK’s largest shareholders and holds a large portfolio of shares including 8% of the shares in KK. At the last AGM he complained to KK’s chief executive, Ken Kava, that he needed more information on directors’ performance. Fin said that he didn’t know how to vote on board reappointments because he had no information on how they had performed in their jobs. Mr Kava said that the board intended to include a corporate governance section in future annual reports to address this and to provide other information that shareholders had asked for. He added, however, that he would not be able to publish information on the performance of individual executive directors as this was too complicated and actually not the concern of shareholders. It was, he said, the performance of the board as a whole that was important and he (Mr Kava) would manage the performance targets of individual directors. Required:

(c) Explain the typical contents of a ‘best practice’ corporate governance report within an annual report and how its contents could help meet the information needs of Fin Brun. (10 marks)



(1)大多数飞船是由运载火箭送上太空的.火箭发射升空时,燃料燃烧将化学能先转化为 _________ 能.

(2)飞船的许多结构部件含有铝合金.铝合金属于 _________ (填标号)

a.金属材料  b.无机非金属材料  c.合成材料  d.复合材料



(5)2011年我国首个火星探测器“荧火一号”将踏 * * 问火星的旅程.太阳能帆板是探测器的重要部件,其制作材料之一的高纯硅(Si)是在高温条件下,用氢气与四氯化硅(SiCl4)反应制得,反应同时得到一种化合物,该反应的化学方程式_________.


我国选举法规定:中华人民共和国年满18周岁的公民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、家庭出身、宗教信仰、财产状况和居住期限,都有选举权和被选举权;依照法律剥夺政治权利的人除外。根据这一法律:( )。




