



2004年9月,法院判决被告方“于本判决生效之日起十日内”赔偿王颖65万元。10月,王颖向法院申请强制执行,但一直执行不下来。无奈之下,王颖只有手持“低价贱卖生效判决”的牌子,在街头叫嚷:“谁买判决书值60多万,给40万您拿走。”她挥了挥手中的判决书说道,“还不如多少换点钱。我办不成的事,人家有关系的人说不定一点事儿不费就能办成。他得利,我也受益。”判决无法执行,原因无外乎债务人有意回避,找不到人;被执行人有意转移财产,无执行标的;各种各样的行政干扰,地方保护主义和部门保护主义在作祟;“一个电话”就能阻止执行;法院人手不够,执行不过来等。当事人纷纷“对这样的执行力度失去信心”,而且无一例外地“贱卖”债权,多数只“奢望”拿到一半“就知足了”。他们有的自己当街叫卖,有的在报上登出广告,有的请拍卖公司代劳。这其中,有自然人,也有法人。请谈谈你对此事的看法。运用掌握的法学和社会知识阐释你的观点和理由。 答题要求: (1)说理充分,逻辑严谨,语言流畅,表达准确; (2)字数不少于500宇。 提示: (1)买卖判决书的行为性质。 (2)判决确定的权利是否有可转让性与可继承性 (3)法律对于买卖判决书的态度。 (4)对“拒不执行”的强制约束力。第二章 民事诉讼法的基本原则与基本制度


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《经理工作的性质》是明茨伯格的主要代表作,是经理角色学派的经典著作。它全面地阐述了经理工作的特点、经理所担任的角色、经理工作中的变化及经理职务的类型、提高经理工作效率的要点、经理工作的未来等,并评价了其他管理学派有关经理职务的各种观点。作者写这段话的主要目的是( )。






In the following passage, there are 25 blanks representing words that are missing from the context. You are to put back in each of the blanks the missing word. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. The time for this section is 25 minutes.
Of all the employed workers in the United States, 12.5 million are part of a temporary workforce. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics counts 9.2 percent of workers as those who have (1) they term "alternative employment arrangements." The government predicts that temporary staffing agencies (2) experience growth of 49 percent by 2010. If numbers increase at the rate (3) , these companies will add 1.9 million new jobs by 2010. That’s more than any (4) industry.
Temporary workers were the first ones to be affected by the recent economic recession, but they are (5) to be the first to regain positions as the economy picks up and companies work to rebuild. Employers use temporary workers as a resource because (6) offer
flexibility and come at a low cost. Many temporaries are categorized as "independent contractors" instead of employees, (7) allows the employer to avoid (8) certain taxes. Because they are not required to offer benefits to temporary workers, companies can save a great deal of money by hiring temps. Usually, temporary workers can qualify (9) benefits if they work for a staffing company for a certain length of time. Most temps, however, do not continue with one company long (10) to qualify for them because they regard the position as a step on the ladder to a (11) position later.
According to Richard Wahlquist, president of the American Staffing Association, 75 (12) of temporary workers hope for transition out of the temporary staffing category (13) a period of time. Wahlquist finds that temporary workers spend about 11 weeks on various assignments before their (14) out of the temporary workforce. Many use temporary positions to gain experience and skills (15) they move on to better jobs. Wahquist says that the temp workforce as a whole turns (16) 400 percent each year.
Tom Dilworth, research director at the Employment Policies Institute, explains (17) some workers like having temporary jobs (18) it affords them a great deal of elasticity with time and everything. Some temps only have a limited (19) of time to work and temp agencies can help coordinate jobs to fit their schedules. Other sometimes-employees use temporary jobs to get an (20) to a company from the inside, to get a foot in the door of a certain business or career. (21) others take temporary positions in hopes their employers will change them over to permanent positions eventually.
Nearly all the industries in the United States use temporary workers. (22) to Tim Costello, coordinator of the North American Alliance for Fair Employment, the growth of temporary labor threatens (23) job security of permanent workers who fear replacement,as well as the temps who are more accustomed to turnover. He predicts that there will continueto (24) a gradual shift from permanent employees to contingent staffing, and that such a (25) in workplace demographics will "lead to lower wages, poorer working conditions, and more instability."
