
[A] "Customers don’t buy products," Mary s



[A] "Customers don’t buy products," Mary says. "They buy results." Mary explains that it is her job to help customers get results. Results are what the products do for the customers. Customers buy products for what the products do.

[B] Mary enjoys her job. Her job is customer service. She helps customers use her company’s products. When people ask her what she does, Mary says. "Salespeople sell our products. My job is to make sure they stay sold."

[C] She finds someone who is doing exactly what the customer who called is interested in seeing. Mary calls customers who are already using the product. She asks if the customer who wants to see how the products are used can visit these companies. Most customers cooperate. They let other customers visit to see how products are used. They help others because they know they may need help themselves some day. They know they will be able to ask for help later if they give help to others now.

[D] Mary gets copies of sales orders from Steve, John, Helen, and other salespeople. When she gets the orders, Mary talks to the salespeople about the customers. It is part of Mary’s job to find out how customers are using her company’s products. Mary tells customers, "I’m in the information business. My job is to give you any information you need about our products and how they’re used."

[E] Mary makes appointments for her company’s customers to visit each other. Mary’s company is very happy to have cust6mers compare how they use its products. The company feels that this is how customers help sell its products to other customers.

[F] Sometimes Mary helps customers to help each other. Customers call to ask about using her company’s products. Mary gives them product literature. She also gives them information from her files on how products can be used. Sometimes customers want to see products being used. These customers are interested in seeing exactly what is done with the products. When this happens, Mary looks in her files. ’She looks to see which customers are using the products. Then she looks to see how the products are used. [G] Mary keeps files of information about products and customers. Files are groups of documents set up to make it easy to find any document or record which is needed. In her files, Mary has printed sheets about her company’s products. These printed sheets about the things the company makes are called product literature. Product literature tells about the things the company makes. The literature also tells what the products do. The idea is to show how products help customers who use them.

[H] Mary has a list of all the company’s customers. When she receives copies of orders, Mary checks them to see if there are any new customers. Mary also checks to see if any old customers are buying product that has not been made before. Mary checks orders to see which customers buy it. Any time customers buy products they have not used before, Mary calls to see if she can help. Mary asks if the customer needs information. She also asks how the customer is using the product. Mary puts information in her files on how customers use her company’s products.








某广场地下车库工程,建筑面积18000m2。建设单位和某施工单位根据《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》(GF—1999—0201)签订了施工承包合同,合同工期140 d。




事件3:在施工过程中,该工程所在地连续下了6 d特大暴雨(超过了当地近10年来该季节的最大降雨量),洪水泛滥,给建设单位和施工单位造成了较大的经济损失。施工单位认为这些损失是由于特大暴雨(不可抗力事件)所造成的,提出下列索赔要求(以下索赔数据与实际情况相符):




(4)工期顺延6 d。



