
(二) 华某系江塘市某化工厂制剂车间工艺员,负责工艺流程管理和记录,兼做清洗参观服




本案中,应当或可以提出工伤认定申请的组织或个人有( )。







解析: 《工伤保险条例》第十七条规定,职工发生事故伤害或者按照职业病防治法规定被诊断、鉴定为职业病,所在单位应当自事故伤害发生之日或者被诊断、鉴定为职业病之日起30日内.向统筹地区劳动保障行政部门提出工伤认定申请。遇有特殊情况,经报劳动保障行政部门同意,申请时限可以适当延长。用人单位未按前款规定提出工伤认定申请的,工伤职工或者其直系亲属、工会组织在事故伤害发生之日或者被诊断、鉴定为职业病之日起一年内,可以直接向用人单位所在地统筹地区劳动保障行政部门提出工伤认定申请。故选ABCD。



     United States Olympic hockey coach Herb Brooks knew that he had a pool of good but young

hockey players as he watched them play during the tryouts for the 1980 national team. He decided to

choose the players who were the most aggressive and played the hardest.

     Brooks was pleased with his final choices. However, he knew his team would be the underdog if

they faced the powerful team of professionals from the Soviet Union(USSR). During the week before

the Olympics began, the U.S. team played the Soviets in an exhibition game and last badly, 10-3. In

spite of the defeat, Brooks thought that if his team played up to their potential, they might be able to

win a medal.

     After the 1980 Winter Olympic Games began in Lake Placid, New York, the United States was

behind Sweden 2-1 in their first game. With a last-second shot, Bill Baker tied (与……打成平局)

the game for the U.S. team.

     In the second round, the United States defeated Czechoslovakia 7-3. They defeated Norway 5-1

in their next game and then defeated Romania 7-2. A 4-2 win over West Germany followed. With a

record of four wins and one tie, the Americans advanced to the medal round. Their opponent was the

powerful team from the USSR. The Soviet team had a record of five wins and no losses or ties.

     The Soviets took a 2-1 lead. Then, in the last second of the first period, the Americans tied the

score. With 10 minutes left in the game, the Americans took the lead and held on for a slim 4-3 victory.

Many sports fans consider this victory to be one of the greatest upsets in the history of sports. The U.S.

team went on to defeat Finland for the gold medal by a score of 4-2.

1. What did Brooks think of his players before the 1980 Winter Olympic Games?

A. They were too young to be the most aggressive.

B. They were powerful enough to be the champion.

C. They lacked potential yet they played the hardest.

D. They were likely to win a medal if they did their best.

2. The word underdog in paragraph 2 probably means __________. 

A. leader  

B. loser      

C. dog-tamer  

D. spectator

3. What was the U.S. hockey team's record in the 1980 Winter Olympics?

A. Four wins, one tie.              

B. Five wins, one tie.

C. Six wins, one tie.              

D. Six wins, no losses.

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Bill Baker scored two goals in the game with the Sweden team.

B. The Soviet team had the same record as the U.S. in the first round.

C. The Soviet team lost the game with the U.S. just at the last minute.

D. The U.S. team's winning over the Soviets was out of expectation.
