
Beyond question, Clinton was supposed to c



Beyond question, Clinton was supposed to close up, stay out of sight, and avoid second- guessing his wife’s boss. After his ego blustered into oncoming traffic during Hillary’s heated primary race (1) Obama, the nation suffered from yet another turn of Clinton fatigue.

(2) this week Bill Clinton showed an instinct for robust, inclusive leadership that the (3) White House occupant could make good use of right for the time being. With President Obama struggling to (4) the political damage from the Gulf oil spill, Clinton not only can’t help himself—he’s worth being listened.

The conventional-wisdom (5) on President Obama’s early reaction to the spill was (6) he didn’t emote enough. He didn’t feel the (7) of all those people in the crisis whose livelihood would be destroyed, whose clean waters and wildlife would be (8) in black gunk.

Clinton considers this is an unfair (9) but offers a different—and more pointed— lesson to his young successor. "I think we ought to (10) in the same boat for a while... Let’s just (11) the problem, and then we can hold everybody responsible and emote or not emote, " Clinton conversed (12) CNN Anchor Wolf Blitzer.

Obama’s first (13) after the oil spill was to "feel the blame" rather than "feel the pain, " which are pretty sarcastic words as it were. No one intends to let British Petroleum (BP) management (14) the hook—for dangerously cutting corners, and for a (15) safety record. However, the President’s (16) focus on scolding BP consumed (17) White House energy while the oil gushed.

Great leaders don’t rush to criticise; Instead they instinctively (18) solutions. Rudy Giuliani, who didn’t stop to blame (19) intelligence for letting it happen, stood out from New York mayor with a girlfriend problem to 9/11 hero when he took control of a crisis and instilled confidence that a ravaged city could (20) beyond a terrorist attack.







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参考答案:教学内容:太平天国运动 教学过程:教师:同学们回想一下,我国历史上第一次大规模的农民起义是哪次 学生:陈胜、吴广领导的大泽乡起义。 教师:对。大泽乡起义推翻了秦朝的残暴统治,但最终...



1. There is no need _______ (thank) me. That's what I should do.

2. What _______ you _______  (do) last night? I _______ (write) a letter to my pen pal.

3. He_______ (have) a busy day off last week.

4. All of the children had fun_______ (visit) the dolphins in the aquarium.

5. How _______ (be) your school trip last summer? Oh, it_______ (be not) too bad. I enjoyed myself.

6. On my way back home I _______ (meet) my math teacher Mr Wang the day before yesterday.

7. _______  she often_______  go hiking with her mother?

8. _______ (not be) late for school next time.

9. I _______  (see) some dolphins on the beach when I _______ (go) there with my parents last


10. It _______ (be) snowy this morning. You must wear more clothes.

题型:问答题 案例分析题

某内河航道工程包括20km航道疏浚和A、B两处礁石清除。施工单位在与业主签订合同后,按照承诺组织了—艘自航耙吸式挖泥船、一艘钻孔爆破船、一艘抓斗式挖泥船及其它辅助船机设备进场。在办理相关手续的过程中发现该河段分属两个海事局管辖,施工单位在规定的时间内向海事局提出了水上水下施工作业安全审核申请,海事局核发了有效期为三个月的《水上水下施工作业许可证》,并发布了航行通告,工程于2006年1月l5日按期开工。在春节前的1月28日该项目监理组织了节前安全大检查,发现了如下一些问题: (1)没有制订《防护性安全技术措施》,要求限期制订提交; (2)在作业船舶有船员就餐时饮酒,要求严禁在船期闯饮酒; (3)生活区走道内,船员穿拖鞋行走,要求整改; (4)炸药库未建立爆破用品进出台帐,要求立即建立,认真填写; (5)炸礁作业的水上安全标志、灯光不够,要求增加安全标志和灯光标志船2艘。 监理对上述存在的问题及隐患下达了监理通知,要求逐条落实整改。施工单位通过总结整改,完善了安全措施,同时又向监理提出了增加安全措施费用的要求。 1.该项目施工单位应向哪一个海事局提出水上水下施工作业安全审核申请? 2.逐条回答监理提出的问题和隐患及整改要求是否正确?为什么? 3.施工单位提出增加安全措施费的要求是否合理?为什么? 4.施工单位在《许可证》三个月的有效期内未能完成施工作业,应该在何时办理何手续方始继续施工?



语文是什么? 语文是眩目的先秦繁星,                   ;是珠落玉盘的琵琶,                   ;是推敲不定的月下门,是但求一字的数茎须;是庄子的逍遥云游,是孔子的颠沛流离;是魏王的老骥之志,是诸葛的锦囊妙计;是君子好逑的《诗经》,是魂兮归来的《楚辞》;是执过羊鞭的《兵法》,是受过宫刑的《史记》;是李白的杯中酒,是曹雪芹的梦中泪;是千古绝唱的诗词曲赋,是功垂青史的四库全书......
