
醉酒的人违反治安管理的,不予处罚。( )



醉酒的人违反治安管理的,不予处罚。( )


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      根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项

     Maybe you have heard the expression "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". So when you want to

do business in France, you have to get to know French culture, to make marketing plans, and to run your

business by local laws.

         1   The French take great pride in their language, so anyone who does not speak it may run the

risk of being disrespected by his French colleagues or business partners. Also, another reason why

learning French is important is that it is a great way to show every possible French business partner that

you care and respect their country's culture and language.

     The first thing that you should do when meeting someone new is to shake his hand firmly and always

look the person in the eye. In social meetings with friends, kissing is common.

     Use first names only after being invited to.  2   The French will sometimes introduce themselves using

their surname first, followed by their first name.

     Dress well.    3   Your business clothing is a reflection of your success and social status. Always try to

be tasteful and stylish.  Women are advised to dress simply but elegantly.  Wearing make -up is practised widely by business women.

     The French are passionate about food, so lunches are common in doing business in France, which

usually consist of an appetizer, main meal with wine, cheese, dessert and coffee, and normally take up

to two hours.        4       

     Do not begin eating until the host says, "bon appetite". Pass dishes to the left, keep wrists above the

table and try to eat everything on the plate.    5   This may suggest that you find the food tasteless. If

eating in a restaurant, the person who invites always pays.

A. The French draw information about people based on their appearance.

B. This is a time for relationship building.

C. Remember to be as polite as possible.

D. Language should be the focus of anyone planning to do business in France.

E. Be careful with adding salt, pepper or sauces to your food.

F. Use Monsieur or Madame before the surname.

G. Make an appointment with your business partner in advance.


E公司在生产上急需一种原料,因供应短缺而一时无法购进。后得知F公司有部分存货暂时闲置未用,遂与F公司签订了转让合同,约定F公司在本公司仓库交付该原料, E公司以支票付款。其后,传说G公司亦需要此种原料,且.能够支付较高价款,F公司遂感到与E公司的交易吃了亏,有反悔之意。恰好此时E公司如约前来提货,未带支票,故拒绝向其发货。其后,尽管E公司带来了支票,F公司仍拒绝发货,并声明解除合同,且很快与G公司签订了转让该原料的合同。E公司遂以F公司违约为由,向F公司所在地的H法院起诉,请求责令F公司实际履行;而F公司亦以与E公司的合同内容有重大误解为由,向E公司所在地的K法院起诉,请求撤销与E公司之间的合同。请分析案例,并回答下列问题:

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