
(36) have greeted Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ



(36) have greeted Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ as she appeared outside (37) in a pink suit and hat on her 80th birthday. And (38) working grandmother shows no signs of slowing down and has genes on her side -- her mother died at 101. Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Prince Philip, followed close behind as she (39) the castle’s King Henry VIII gate, Voice of America reports. A military (40) played and a 21-gun salute (41) nearby ahead of another 41-gun salute in London’ s Hyde Park later in the day Friday. Prince Charles is (42) a birthday dinner for the (43) at a palace in London’s Kew Gardens. Queen Elizabeth has received 37,000 birthday cards and e-mails from around the world, according to (44) Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ issued a (45) saying she (46) by the messages. In an ITV News survey, Elizabeth was (47) the most popular royal. Bottom of the survey came Camilla Parker-Bowles, Duchess of Cornwall, who last year married the queen’s eldest son, Charles, after a tortuous 35-year (48) . In her 80s, Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ remains perhaps the most (49) . She is known for her penchant for brightly colored suits and hats. French designer Sonia Rykiel once criticized the Queen of England about the way she dresses. She called the Queen "the worst dressed person in the UK". "The Queen is one of the worst dresses people in the UK. She should stop wearing those bright suits and hats ..." Sonia Rykiel said. "A woman in her position should start dressing in a more (50) and serious manner." Frankly, we sold our Sonia Rykiel sweaters cardigans on eBay (51) after this interview. According to a senior royal aide, "The Queen proudly wears British designers. She wears (52) and stylish clothing which is right for the kind of work she does." Her main (53) include (54) photography, and dogs, especially her Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Queen Elizabeth II is Europe’s (55) living monarch. And lest we forget, Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ is the Queen of Canada, too.


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材料一           2009——2013年我国GDP及其增长情况图

注: 2013年我国第一、二、三产业增加值占GDP的比重分别为10.0%、 43.9%、 46.1%。 

材料二  2013年我国出台了促进经济发展的一系列深化改革的政策措施。国务院调整了机构,取消和下放一批行政审批项目;深化财税体制改革,全面推开“营改增”试点;推进铁路工程建设、金融、能源等领域对民间资本开放;建立中国(上海)自由贸易区等等。

材料三 当前,我国经济发展进入增速换挡期,经济增长的要素和约束条件正在发生变化,结构性问题突出,传统增长模式面临挑战,经济增长的下行压力不容忽视。党中央广泛听取各民主党派的意见和建议,审时度势,作出全面深化改革的决定,确立了全面深化改革线路图,全面推进经济、政治等各领域的改革,促进我国经济持续健康发展,使发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民。





卢某(男)在南方某省打工,其嫌打工太累,想捞点钱用用。2007年11月13日,卢某持刀抢劫焦某(女)提包,遭遇反抗而对焦某进行割喉(后被救活)。某市人民检察院以抢劫罪对卢某提起公诉,被害人焦某提起附带民事诉讼。下列哪种说法是正确的( )

