
Sometimes geopolitical lessons come from t



Sometimes geopolitical lessons come from the strangest places. With Eric Schmidt stepping down as CEO of Google and replaced by founder Larry Page, I can’t help but wonder if world leaders are taking note. Google perfected the horizontal business model. To the delight of enthusiasts of David Ricardo, the comparative economist, the company does one thing really well search and has built an ecosystem for others to flourish using it as a platform.

Contrast this with IBM and AT&T, long past their expiration dates as successful vertical companies. It’s no coincidence that the Soviet Union and IBM, two raging, top-down, command-and-control systems, collapsed at about the same time. What do I mean by vertical In its heyday, IBM did everything from soup to nuts. Designed chips, wrapped plastic around them, wrote operating systems and applications, and then sold and serviced mainframes. The giant captured half of computer-industry sales and 80 percent of profits until horizontal companies Intel and Microsoft knocked it out at its knees. AT&T owned phones and switches and long-distance lines until a very horizontal Internet and companies like Skype changed the economics of the phone call. These same dynamics are now driving the world economy into a productive horizontal enterprise. And it’s about time.

Economies are about increasing the standard of living of their participants. If you don’t have an economic system to create productivity, you end up stealing it from your neighbors. Think Roman Empire. Or the British who colonized large parts of the world to lock up natural resources to plug into their manufactories. Both very vertical. As of 1989, the United States of America became the world’s sole superpower. But what is America going to do with this status Unlike past empires, there’s no incentive to take over the rest of the world. Why take over a country and deal with the headaches of a welfare system, and have to fix the plumbing in Uzbekistan, when you can buy its output on the cheap, even ordering its goods over the Web Despite all the protests, globalization instills peace. Trade now represents 26 percent of world GDP, up from 18 percent in 1990.

Globalization has linked the free world in a smart horizontal alliance. Computers, cell phones, and fiber optics are not made in any single country to be exported worldwide, but instead have components and labor from more than 30 inseparable countries, including China and Vietnam. Horizontal rules!

Without much forethought or planning, the world has structured itself into a horizontal wealth-creating and peace-maintaining system—a productive system that actually increases the standard of living of all the participants, not just those in the United States. America still sits on top of the heap, sure, but wealth has increased for every country, company, and person that contributes. And they get rich not by stealing from the rest of the world, but by adding value to the food chain. Just ask Google.

What does the author think of globalization()

A. It benefits those countries who embrace it

B. It helps to disseminate freedom around the world

C. It opens up new economic colonies for America

D. It represents a new way of imperialist expansion


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(1)2007年1月27日,甲公司和乙公司达成协议,甲公司以一项固定资产、交易性金融资产和库存商品作为对价取得乙公司控制的A公司10%的股权。该固定资产原值为2000万元,已计提折旧800万元,公允价值为1 000万元;交易性金融资产账面价值为1 300万元(其中:成本1 200万元,公允价值变动100万元),其公允价值为1 600万元;库存商品账面价值为800万元,公允价值为1 000万元,所得税税率为25%。相关资产均已交付给乙公司并办妥相关手续。
(2)甲公司为取得A公司的股权而发生的相关直接费用为30万元。此时A公司净资产的公允价值是35 000万元。
(3)2007年12月31日A公司全年实现净利润2 400万元。
(4)2008年1月1日,甲公司又从A公司的另一投资者处取得A公司20%的股份,实际支付价款7 500万元。此次购买完成后,持股比例达到30%,对A公司有重大影响,改用权益法核算此项投资。2008年1月1日A公司可辨认净资产公允价值为37 800万元(与所有者权益账面价值相等)。
(5)2008年A公司实现净利润2 400万元。
(7)2009年1月5日,甲公司将持有的A公司的15%股权对外转让,实得款项6 200万元,从而对A公司不再具有重大影响,甲公司将对A公司的长期股权投资由权益法改为成本法核算。

甲公司因处置交易性金融资产对当期营业利润的影响金额为( )万元。




