



甲公司为增值税一般纳税企业,适用的增值税税率为17%,原材料采用实际成本进行日常核算。2005年3月初“应交税费兰应交增值税”借方余额为90万元,甲公司3月发生如下涉及增值税的经济业务或事项: (1) 购入原材料一批,增值税专用发票上注明的价款为800万元,增值税额为136万元。该批原材料已验收入库,货款已用银行存款支付。 (2) 销售商品一批;增值税专用发票上注明的价款为2000万元,增值税额为340万元,提货单和增值税专用发票已交购货方,并收到购货方开出并承兑的商业承兑汇票。 (3) 在建工程领用生产用库存原材料100万元,应由该批原材料负担的增值税额为17万元。 (4) 盘亏原材料40万元,应由该批原材料负担的增值税额为6.80万元。 (5) 在建工程领用自产产品一批,实际成本100万元,计税价格为150万元。 (6) 用银行存款100万元缴纳增值税。 要求:编制上述业务的会计分录(“应交税费”科目要求写出明细科目及专栏名称)。 (答案中的金额单位用万元表示)


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"What does the middleman do but add to the price of goods in the shops " Such remarks are aimed at the intermediate operations between manufacturers and final customers. This practice usually attracts a lot of attention from the public and the press and the operation most talked about is what is often called wholesaling.
The wholesaler buys goods in large quantities from the manufacturers and sells them in smaller parcels to retailers, and for this service his selling price to the retailer is raised several percent higher. But his job is made more difficult by retail demand not necessarily running level with manufacturers’ production. Because he adjusts or regulates the flow of goods by holding stock Until required, he frees the manufacturer, to some extent, from the effect on production of changing demand and having to bear the whole risk.
The manufacturer can then keep up a steady production flow, and the retailer has no need to hold heavy stocks, who can call on the wholesaler for supplies any time. This wholesale function is like that of a valve in a water pipe. The middleman also bears part of the risk that would otherwise fall on the manufacturer and also the retailer.
The wholesaler provides a purely commercial service, for which he is too well rewarded. But the point that is missed by many people is that the wholesaler is not just someone adding to the cost of goods. It is true one could eliminate the wholesaler but one would still be left with his function: that of making sure that goods find their way to the people who want them.

The middleman relieves the producer of ______.

A.fluctuating market demand and staying at risk

B.the production of commodities for the retail market

C.some extent of production of changing demand

D.storing goods in a warehouse until they are needed
