
儿童锁骨青枝骨折的治疗 A.手法复位+肩8字绷带固定4周 B.不予固定治疗 C.手术






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【1】The air was pleasant and the music was loud in the vast square in front of the New York State office building in Harlem(哈莱姆, 美国纽约市黑人居住区) as health advocates(支持者,提倡者) set up information tables for Harlem wellness Week. It was a wide-ranging effort to educate people about non-communicable diseases: Heart disease, cancer, lung disease, obesity, and so on.

【2】There is an economic effect caused by these diseases, especially in Harlem, one of the city’s poorest districts. Without healthy employees and healthy customers, you cannot have healthy business, says Patricia Ricketts of the Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce, which sponsors Wellness Week.

【3】Dr. Jo Ivy Boufford is president of the New York Academy of Medicine, a Wellness Week partner. She says education about better nutrition is important, but that people with low incomes often lack the means to put what they know into practice. But there is hope. New York is very active in adovating good, effective public health policies. “New York City has banned smoking in public places, both indoors and outdoors. That is a fantastic example of what can be done, without having any impact on the economy. It is a city where you have bike paths. That is a good message for the world, because bikes make your transport active. That is good for your health and lowers air pollution,” she said.

【4】“It is not enough to focus on the management of disease through medication,” Dr. Boufford says. “That’s why health advocates will be trying to persuade UN officials during Wellness Week to pass resolutions that deal with road and transport design and construction and other potential causes of non-communicable diseases.”

小题1: What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 8words)


小题2: Complete the following statement with words from Paragraph【4】.(no more than 3words)_______________ the management of disease through medication is not enough.


小题3: What noninfectious diseases are mentioned in the text?( no more than 6 words)


小题4:Do you think it is necessary to hold a Wellness Week to prevent diseases? Why, or why not? (no more than 16 words)


小题5: What does the word “That”(paragraph 3) refer to?(no more than 4 words)



Horse thieves, cattle rustlers, bank robbers, train and stagecoach robbers, highwaymen, murderers, these were but some of the criminals who infested the American frontier during the 19th century. In English legend Robin Hood can be considered a bandit, but the outlaws of the Old West were far more violent men and women without any scruples when it came to taking property or life.
The careers of many outlaws have been glamorized through fictional accounts of their deeds and their exploits have been the basis for many movie scripts.
The era of the American outlaw lasted about 100 years roughly from 1800 to 1900.There had been lawlessness during the Colonial Era. Frontiers have always attracted misfits, failures and renegades who hope to profit by being beyond the reach of government. In the years just before the Revolutionary War, gangs of horse thieves in the back country of South Carolina were broken up by organized bands of farmers called regulators.
As frontier settlement expanded rapidly after the Revolution, more opportunities for criminals opened, two common types of bandits were highwaymen and river pirates. Highwaymen accosted people who traveled on foot or horseback, while river pirates preyed upon the boat traffic on the Ohio, Mississippi, and other rivers. Some bandits engaged in both.
Criminals in the West gathered momentum with the gold rushes to California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and other states. Stagecoaches and trains carrying gold and money became prime targets for bands of outlaws. Bank robberies emerged after the California Gold Rush of 1849 and as prosperity found its way to frontier towns. The first stage robbery was recorded in 1851, and the first train robbery happened in 1866.
After the Civil War there was the growth of the cattle kingdom in Texas and neighboring states. Cattle rustling and horse theft turned into significant operations. Range wars bred a great amount of violence. Cattlemen fought over land and water rights, and they fought with great bitterness against sheep farmers. In Texas, range wars were fought over the use of barbed wire to fence grazing land.
By the end of the 19th century, the frontier era was past. Major crime shifted to the cities. Ethnic gangs had existed in the slums for decades, preying mostly on their fellow immigrants. With the arrival of Prohibition in the 1920s, an impetus was given to the formation of organized crime as it exists today.

At the beginning of the text the author indicates that______.
[A] Robin Hood was as cruel as a bandit
[B] the story of Robin Hood has never been documented
[C] the criminals in America’s Old West were extremely cruel
[D] the Western countries used to be infested with bandits
