



某市前进无线电厂生产的"红星"牌收录机十分畅销。商标法公布后,无线厂及时进行了注册,获得了该商标的专用权。但是好景不长,1996年8月,该无线厂多次接到顾客投诉,称所购"红星"牌收录机质量低劣,用不了几天就坏了。该厂立即对产品进行质量检验,并未发现质量问题。待对投诉顾客所购的收录机检查之后,发现此种收录机根本不是该厂所生产,只是该收录机的外形和商标相同,致使顾客误认为是该厂产品。经查,这种收音机是本市光明无线电厂所生产的。又经过深入调查,发现光明无线电厂所用商标是一无业游民李某勾结本市华远印刷厂印刷的,由华远印刷厂印好后交给李某,再由李某卖给光明无线电厂,光明无线电厂装配后又委托市家电经销部代为销售。家电经销部原先并不知道是假冒的收录机,后见质量低劣向光明无线电厂询问才知,但见销量挺好,获利颇丰,也就不再追究下去。同时该经销部还勾结市邮局职工周某为此种假冒收录机的邮购提供方便,以此使该伪劣收录机大量流向外地。由于前进无线电厂的产品被假冒,使其蒙受巨大损失。该厂与光明无线电厂多次进行交涉无果,遂向市人民法院以光明无线电厂侵权为由提起诉讼,要求光明无线电厂停止侵权,赔偿因此所受的损失200万元。 现根据以上案情,回答下列问题:



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    The back door of the ambulance (救护车) was quickly closed and the driver ran to the front,    1   
into his seat and started the engine (发动机). Inside were the   2   parents, Mr and Mrs Green, the mother
holding their baby daughter Ally. The little girl had some food in her throat (喉咙) and could hardly breathe.
    The driver, Mr White, turned on his siren (报警器) and started speeding towards the nearest hospital,
fighting against    3  . The cars ahead of him pulled out of the way as he    4   the ambulance through the
busy traffic. From the back of the ambulance the parents were shouting at him to hurry, since Ally had
almost stopped   5  . In front of him he saw some traffic lights with the red "STOP" lights shining. Mr
White knew that he had no time to stop, so he drove straight past the traffic lights, looking to his left and
right as he did so.
    Coming towards him from his right was a taxi. The taxi driver had the windows   6  , since the car was
air-conditioned (开空调的), and he was playing his radio. He did not    7   the ambulance. The lights were
green, so he drove straight on into the path of the ambulance.
    Mr White tried to stop his ambulance, but it was too late. It hit the taxi. Everybody was shaken but no
one was hurt. Mr White turned to see   8   little Ally was. He was   9   to see relief (宽慰) instead of anger
on the faces of the parents.
    "Look!" cried Mrs Green. "She is breathing again."
    "It must have been the crash," said her husband. "It took the food out of her throat." The baby's color
was turning to normal, and she was crying in a loud but healthy  10 .
    They were all joyful, and quite forgot about the accident, the taxi, and the lines of people all around them.
( )1. A. jumped      
( )2. A. angry       
( )3. A. police       
( )4. A. took          
( )5. A. breathing    
( )6. A. open          
( )7. A. hear          
( )8. A. how           
( )9. A. frightened     
( )10. A. sound         
B. got     
B. worried   
B. people     
B. drove     
B. seeing      
B. on        
B. see        
B. what      
B. surprised       
B. voice     
C. sat    
C. happy   
C. lights  
C. stopped 
C. saying   
C. up      
C. find    
C. where   
C. scared  
C. whisper        
D. went      
D. amazed    
D. time      
D. pushed    
D. talking   
D. down                           
D. feel      
D. who       
D. stressed  
D. noise     