
从应用上说,涡桨发动机适用于() A.中低空、低速短距/垂直起降无人机 B.高空长航








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材料三:在这里,我们发挥了震天的威力!在这里,我们用血写就了伟大的史诗!在这里,我们泄尽了敌人的底!在这里,我们击退寇兵!在残破的北关城墙插上了国旗!……台儿庄,一片灰烬;台儿庄的名字,和时间争长。 ——臧克家《红血洗过的战场》 (1)图一中列强从海上“轰开了中国的大门”指的是哪场战争?制造图二惨境的强盗是谁?___________________________________________________________________(2)在侵略者的炮口震撼下,清王朝被迫与列强签订了一系列不平等条约。这些条约的签订使中国的社会性质最终发生了怎样的变化?___________________________________________________________________(3)请仔细辨认材料二图中人物,将图片下方的序号填入横线上。虎门销烟黄海大战百团大战___________________________________________________________________




When 18th-century scientists first came across Australia’s platypus(鸭嘴兽), they thought it was a trick. It is not surprising that the platypus made people confused. This funny-looking animal has feet and is a kind of warm-blooded mammal.

While other mammals usually keep their blood at around 37 degrees, the platypus has a lower body temperature of 32 degrees. As to its appearance, the platypus’mouth is not really like ducks’at all; its mouth actually looks a bit soft. The platypus closes its eyes when swimming. It uses its mouth to pick up outside information made by the creatures underwater.

Strangest of all, the platypus is a mammal that can lay eggs. And there is only one other kind of mammal that can lay eggs, the echidna (针鼹鼠) of Australia. Both the platy-pus and the echidna lay soft-shelled eggs, and both feed their young with their own milk that comes out of their skin. These animals also walk in a way that is similar to crocodiles(鳄鱼), with legs on the sides of their bodies rather than under them.

Though pretty, in a special way, the platypus is actually one of the few mammals that are poisonous. A male platypus has knife-like bones on its back legs which have enough poison to kill a dog.

The platypus has the honor of being one of the oldest mammals in the world. Until the early 20th century, it was hunted for its fur, but the situation has changed. Although the platypus is easily affected by pollution, it is not under any immediate threat.

小题1: What can we learn about the platypus according to the text?

A.It has a lower body temperature than other mammals.

B.It only closes its eyes when underwater.

C.It’s the only poisonous mammal in the world.

D.It feeds its young on wild animal meat.小题2:Which of the following is NOT used as a comparison with the platypus in the text?

A.The crocodile.

B.The echidna.

C.The duck.

D.The dog.小题3:The following characteristics of the platypus have been described in the text EXCEPT ________.

A.its natural enemy

B.its appearance

C.its walking pose

D.its daily diet小题4:We can infer from the last paragraph that the platypus _______.

A.is hunted for its meat

B.is in danger of extinction

C.is endangered by air pollution

D.is well-protected now小题5:Which of the following would be the best title for this text?

A.Platypus, a Trick?

B.Platypus, the Only Warm-Blooded Mammal

C.The Characteristics of Platypus

D.The Strange Mammal —Platypus。
