





参考答案:急性闭角性青光眼的基本治疗原则是积极控制眼压,在眼压降低炎症反应控制后进行抗青光眼手术治疗。(1) 缩小瞳孔:1%毛果芸香碱每5 min滴眼一次共3次,30 min一次,连续滴4次,然后1 h一次,通过缩瞳使周边前房开放。(2) 降低眼压,全身使用高渗剂,如20%甘露醇静脉快速点滴,碳酸酐酶抑制剂如Diamox 25mg,每日3次,首剂加倍,局部滴用β受体阻滞剂如0.25%Timdol或2%美开朗,迅速降低眼压。(3) 辅助治疗:局部滴用糖皮质类固醇激素眼液,以减轻充血和虹膜炎症反应。(4) 手术治疗:房角开放或粘连范围<1/3周,眼压稳定在2.8 kPa(21 mmHg)以下者,可作周边虹膜切除术或激光虹膜切开术,房角广泛粘连者应作滤过性手术。


Do you still remember the terrible earthquake in 2008 in Sichuan, which killed at least 87,000 people and left millions homeless? On the twelfth day after the earthquake, Premier Wen Jiabao said, “A new Wenchuan will rise from the ruins(废墟).” Now his words have come true. Three years has passed and the worst-hit areas in Sichuan have risen from the ruins.

So far, 95% of the reconstruction projects(重建项目)have been completed. Nearly 3,000 schools, 1,000 hospitals and more than 5 million homes have been built. Now everyone has been provided with a home, a job and social security(社保).

Dong Xinjun, a villager in Qingchuan, said volunteers from Zhejiang taught him how to grow mushrooms and now he makes about 3,000 yuan more than before every year.

Zhu Lihu, the headmaster of a village primary school in Qingchuan, told us that teaching equipment had been greatly improved. Now they have new classrooms, a library and a computer room with 20 computers.

On May 8th, 2011, Premier Wen Jiabao made his 10th visit to Sichuan Province after the earthquake. He visited a lot of middle schools and neighborhoods. At Beichuan Middle School, Premier Wen embraced a student named Zheng Haiyang, who lost both of his legs in the earthquake. The students told Premier Wen that their new school was very beautiful. And they would never forget that it was built with the hearts and strength of people across the whole country.

Premier Wen believes that the people in Wenchuan have a “strong will” and a “bright future”. They will never back down, but stand bravely on this land.

小题1: What is NOT provided for everyone in the earthquake-hit areas?

A.A home.

B.A job.

C.A computer.

D.Social security.小题2: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Nearly 1,000 schools have been built.

B.Dong Xinjun makes about 3,000 yuan every year.

C.Zhu Lihu’s new school has a new large gym.

D.Zheng Haiyang is a student of Beichuan Middle School.小题3: How many times has Premier Wen visited Sichuan since the earthquake happened?

A.5 times.

B.8 times.

C.10 times.

D.12 times.小题4: What does the underlined word “embraced” mean in Paragraph 5?

A.Put arms around him in a loving way.

B.Shook hands with him in a friendly way.

C.Bowed to him in a very polite way.

D.Smiled at him in a very kind way.小题5: How does the passage show us “Wenchuan has risen from the ruins”?

A.By giving facts and examples.

B.By comparing different places.

C.By describing people’s looks.

D.By using volunteers’ words.
