
项目的终止方式有以下哪几种() A.绝对式终止 B.内含式终止 C.整合式终止 D.









参考答案:A, B, C, D


We hear with our ears, right? Yes, but scientists have known for years that we also hear with our eyes. In a study published in 1976, researchers found that people combined both auditory cues(听力提示) and visual ones,like mouth and face movements, when they heard speech.

A new study that looks at a different set of sensory cues adds to a growing body of evidence that suggests such combination is natural. In a paper, Bryan Gick and Donald Derrick report that people can hear with their skin.

The researchers had volunteers listen to spoken syllables. Meanwhile, they connected the volunteers to a device that would blow a tiny puff (气流) of air onto the skin of their hands or necks. The syllables included “ba” and “pa”, which produce brief puffs from the mouth when spoken, and “da” and “ta,” which do not produce puffs. They found that when listeners heard “da” or “ta” while a puff of air was blown onto their skin, they considered the sounds as “ba” or “pa”.

Dr. Gick said the findings were similar to those from the 1976 study, in which visual cues defeated auditory ones — volunteers listened to one syllable but thought it another because they were watching a video of mouth movements corresponding to the second syllable. In his study,he said,cues from sensory receivers on the skin defeated the ears as well. “Our skin is doing the hearing for us,” he said.

Dr. Gick noted that it would normally be rare that someone actually sensed a puff of air produced by another, although people might occasionally sense their own puffs. “What’s so persuasive about this particular effect,” he added. “is that people are picking up on this information that they don’t know they are using.” That supports the idea that combining different sensory cues is natural.

Dr. Gick said the finding also suggested that other sensory cues might be at work in speech perception(知觉) — that, as he put it, “we are these fantastic perception machines that take in all the information available to us and combine it faultlessly.”

小题1:“Da” or “ta” were considered as “ba” or “pa” when __________.

A.they were spoken quickly

B.puffs of air were blown onto the listener’s skin

C.they were pronounced using a special device

D.they were made with face movements小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Humans combine different sensory cues through experience.

B.Dr. Gick’s new study is more important than the one in 1976.

C.People sometimes can sense their own puffs when speaking

D.Only auditory and visual cues are at work in speech perception.小题3:What is the best title of the text?

A.We Can Hear with Our Skin

B.Our Visual Cues Is Doing the Hearing for Us

C.Facial Expressions Are Important

D.We Are Fantastic Machines


第1-6 题为套题:材料一:新《保险法》于2009 年10 月1 日起正式实施。团体与团体成员之间建立了劳动关系,团体为其成员投保在法律上得到了认可。这在团体保险发展史上有了重大突破。另规定:“除前款规定外,被保险人同意投保人为其订立保险合同的,视为投保人对被保险人具有保险利益。”第三十九条规定:“人身保险的受益人由被保险人或投保人指定。投保人指定受益人时,须征得被保险人同意。投保人为与其有劳动关系的劳动者投保人身保险,不得指定被保险人及其近亲属以外的人为受益人。”材料二:X 企业因产能扩大需要,2009 年6 月在人才市场招聘了230 名新员工,于2009 年7 月1 日开始上班,并接受3 个月的业务培训。2009 年10 月1 日,208 名员工转为正式员工。该企业10 月9 日通过保险经纪公司为全体职工投保了团体定期寿险和健康保险。其中,定期寿险保费由公司和员工共同分摊,健康保险保费由公司承担。保单上列明保险期间自2009 年11 月1 日起至次年10 月31 日止,受益人一栏为空。2009 年10 月30 日,该公司的职工王某登山,不慎坠崖身亡。

在王某的案例中,保险公司应将死亡保险金给付给( )。

A.X 企业



