










     It was the last day of school and I planned to travel to my friend's hometown. I hadn't seen him for
years and this was a good  1  to meet him again.
     I was busy at school so it was rather  2  when I came back home. It was already 10 o'clock at night.
Time was running out. After a hurried meal I left.  3  I found a taxi very soon. Asking the driver to drive me
fast to the station, I relaxed for a while, imagining what my friend looked like now. I was soon at the station
and was sure that I would be able to  4  the train. Unfortunately, I fell on the way and lost some time. To my
complete  5 , when I reached the platform, I saw that the train had just left! It was the last train so I had to
  6  home.
     My mother was glad to see me back as she had a feeling about my trip. But I was unhappy. I tried to relax
and went to bed but I had a  7  sleep. The next morning I was very tired. As I was having breakfast the  8  
arrived. I read over the pages and was shocked to  9  that the train I missed had had an accident. How  10  
I was that I missed the train!
( )1. A. sign        
( )2. A. strange     
( )3. A. Finally     
( )4. A. stop        
( )5. A. satisfaction
( )6. A. call        
( )7. A. deep        
( )8. A. newspaper   
( )9. A. find        
( )10. A. hopeful    
B. chance  
B. cold    
B. Suddenly
B. see     
B. hope    
B. leave   
B. bad     
B. ticket  
B. hear    
B. thankful
C. sense    
C. late     
C. Strangely
C. catch    
C. surprise 
C. reach    
C. great    
C. mild     
C. feel     
C. careful  
D. dream  
D. quiet  
D. Luckily
D. miss   
D. joy                                               
D. return 
D. heavy  
D. train  
D. remember
D. painful


A: Hi, Tom! Come in, please.

B: Hi! ____________________________________________________________? (1)

A: I'm looking for information about Sydney on the Internet. I'm going to Sydney for my holiday.

B: _______________________________________________________________? (2)

A: No, but my father has been there twice. He told me there were many places of interest there.

B: _______________________________________________________________? (3)

A: I'm leaving at 9 a.m on Friday, July.

B: _______________________________________________________________? (4)

A: I will go there by plane. B: Have you ever flown in a plane?

A: _______________________________________________________________. (5)

B: You must be excited when you fly in a plane.

A: Really, I can't for it.
