
为机械顺利运行,应设置必须的临时设施,其设置要点是()。 A.位置要选择得当 B.布










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参考答案:B解析:本题主要考查学生对教材内容的识记能力,难度较低,爱迪生是人类历史上最伟大的发明家,他首先发明了电灯,所以题中的关闭电灯行为是为了纪念爱迪生,答案选B,A C D三项不符合史实。考点:第...


A study released a little over a week ago, which found that eldest children end up, on average, with slightly higher IQ’s than younger siblings, was a reminder that the fight for serlfdefinition starts much earlier than freshman year. Families, whatever the relative intelligence of their members, often treat the firstborn as if he or she were the most academic, and the younger siblings fill in other niches: the wild one, the flirt.
These imposed caricatures, in combination with the other labels that accumulate from the sandbox through adolescence, can seem over time like a miserable cat. entourage of identities that can be silenced only with hours of therapy. But there’s another way to see these alternate identities: as challenges that can sharpen psychological skills. In a country where reinvention is considered a birthright, many people seem to treat old identities the way Houdini treated padlocked boxes: something to wriggle free from, before being dragged down. And psychological research suggests that this ability can be a sign of mental resilience, of taking control of your own story rather than being trapped by it.
The late-night bull sessions in college or at backyard barbecues are at some level like out-of-body experiences, allowing a re-coloring of past experience to connect with new acquaintances. A more obvious outlet to expand identity--and one that’s available to those who have not or cannot escape the family and community where they’re known and labeled —is the Internet. Admittedly, a lot of the role-playing on the Internet can have a deviant quality. But researchers have found that many people who play life-simulation games, for example, set up the kind of families they would like to have had, even script alternate versions of their own role in the family or in a peer group.
Decades ago the psychologist Erik Erickson conceived of middle age as a stage of life defined by a tension between stagnation and generativity-a healthy sense of guiding and nourishing the next generation, of helping the community. Ina series of studies, the Northwestern psychologist Dan P. McAdams has found that adults in their 40s and 50s whose lives show this generous quality - who often volunteer, who have a sense of accomplishment - tell very similar stories about how they came to be who they are. Whether they grew up in rural poverty or with views of Central Park, they told their life stories as series of redemptive lessons. When they failed a grade, they found a wonderful tutor, and later made the honor roll; when fired from a good job, they were forced to start their own business.
This similarity in narrative constructions most likely reflects some agency, a willful reshaping and re-imagining of the past that informs the present. These are people who, whether pegged as nerds or rebels or plodders, have taken control of the stories that form their identities.
In conversation, people are often willing to hand out thumbnail descriptions of themselves: "I’m kind of a hermit." Or a talker, a practical joker, a striver, a snob, a morning person. But they are more likely to wince when someone else describes them so authoritatively.
Maybe that’s because they have come too far, shaken off enough old labels already. Like escape artists with a lifetime’s experience slipping through chains, they don’t want or need any additional work. Because while most people can leave their family niches, schoolyard nicknames and high school reputations behind, they don’t ever entirely forget them.

We can learn from the last two paragraphs that

A.it might be difficult to completely shake off one’s old identities.

B.people hate to have thumbnail descriptions of themselves.

C.it might take additional work for people to entirely forget their past.

D.people hate to hear their schoolyard nicknames when they grow up.


Investigator: XYZ Coins has misled its clients by promoting some coins as "extremely rare" when in fact those coins are relatively common and readily available. XYZ agent: That is ridiculous. XYZ Coins is one of the largest coin dealers in the world. We authenticate the coins we sell through a nationally recognized firm and operate a licensed coin dealership.
The XYZ agent’s reply is most vulnerable to the criticism that it

A.exaggerates the investigator’s claims in order to make them appear absurd.

B.accuses the investigator of bias but presents no evidence to support that accusation.

C.fails to establish that other coin dealers do not also authenticate the coins those dealers sell.

D.lists strengths of XYZ Coins while failing to address the investigator’s charge.

E.(E) provides no definition for the inherently vague phrase "extremely rare. "
