
中共在大革命失败之后开辟了新的革命道路,这种新的革命道路是指() A.农村包围城市






C.武装夺取 * *



参考答案:A, C


大革命失败后,中 * * 党走出的新道路是:工农联盟、农村包围城市、团结一切可以团结的力量、最终夺取全国革命胜利的方针和道路。

大革命失败使中 * * 党对中国革命有了全新的认识,制订了一系列适合中国国情和中国革命的路线和方针,主要是工农联盟、农村包围城市、团结一切可以团结的力量、最终夺取全国革命胜利的方针和道路。

大革命失败后,中 * * 党对民主革命道路进行了新的探索,其主要内容是建立根据地,形成“工农武装割据”局面 。探索出一条适合中国的国情,农村包围城市,最后夺取全国革命胜利路.



它包括两个组成部分:一是“工农武装割据”的实践,一是“工农武装割据”的理论。在斗争实践中,毛 * * 把马克思主义基本原理同中国革命的具体情况相结合,创立了“工农武装割据”思想。


Many people consider their pets members of the family and are very sad when they die, but what if you could clone your dog, cat or bird?

A scientist in New Orleans, who has proved his ability to clone other animals, is now offering the possibility to pet owners here in Wisconsin.

Scientists have not been able to clone dogs, cats or other pets, but if and when the time comes, several companies will be ready and able to do the job.

The question is: Are you ready to clone your pet? Brett Reggio is betting on it.He is working on his Ph. D at Louisian State University. He's successfully cloned a goat five times and wants to try the process on family pets.  So he started a business called Lazaron. “What Lazaron provides is the first step in the cloning process. ”He said.“It’s for curing and storing the fiberglass cells that will be used for cloning.”

“Your first reaction is yeah! I think I’d like that.” said Donna Schacht, a pet owner.

“I don’t believe you can ever replace a special love,” pet owner Paulette Callattion said.

Most pet owners will tell you freezing your pet’s  DNA in hopes of one day cloning it is a personal decision.

Scientists say that cloning your own pet doesn’t mean that the offspring(后代) will have the same intelligence, temperament(性情) or other qualities that your pet has.

小题1:From the passage we know that scientists have ______.

A.tried to clone animals

B.cloned many kinds of animals

C.been able to clone pets for people

D.once cloned goats successfully小题2:Brett Reggio started a business in order to _____.

A.clone pets for people

B.store the DAN of people’s pets for cloning one day

C.make pets members of a family

D.collect different ideas on cloning from people小题3:Some people seem not interested in cloning pets because___________.

A.they think it would be too expensive

B.they don’t think scientists will one day be able to clone their pets

C.they think the cloned pet would not be the one they once had

D.they don’t want to give any love to the cloned pet小题4:If you cloned a pet, your might find that it_____.

A.looked different from the pet you once had

B.turned out to be another kind of animal

C.had a different character

D.were just the same pet your once had
