
下列古代农业工具不属于灌溉工具的是()。 A.桔槔 B.耧车 C.筒车








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阅读下面的案例,并回答两个问题: 案例: 城西新建学校经费的难题 在F市西移北进的城市发展战略的推动下,城西商品房的开发如雨后春笋,人口每年增长2.2万人,中小学适龄儿童数量也迅速增加。然而,从1998年至今的10余年间,市政府在城西新建了各种商场、星级宾馆、医院等设施,却在教育建设方面乏善可陈。市政府除了投入400万元用于资助H实验小学的建设外,竟没有在城西新建过一所公办中小学。城西适龄儿童上学难成为一个突出的问题。 无论是从为学龄儿童提供完备教育的角度考虑,还是从城西近年来为F市经济、社会发展所作出的巨大贡献来看,市政府都有义务和责任在城西投资新建一些中小学。然而,目前F市在筹措教育基础设施经费方面却碰到了困难。该市教育基础设施经费的唯一来源只有城市教育费附加。据计算,建一所六年四轨制(即六个年级每个年级四个班)学校,配备有微机室、语音室、图书室等配套设施,就需要投资1000多万元。可近几年,F市财政拨付的城市教育费附加专项费用每年却只有500万元左右。这些钱主要用到现有中小学薄弱基础设施的建设上,除此之外,基本没有什么钱可以再投入在新建学校上了。




     Two truck drivers didn't know each other when they arrived at the scene of a bad traffic accident on

Kentucky's mountain highway last June. Yet they worked together like long-time partners and saved two

drivers from near certain death. For their bravery, Terry and Floyd have been named Goodyear North

America Highway Heroes for 2003. The award was announced on Thursday at the Mid-America Trucking

Show. Terry and Floyd were rewarded $20,000 with a free trip to Nashville.

     On June 22, Terry and Floyd, driving trucks separately, came across an accident involving a jeep and a

car on mountain parkway. The quick-thinking men broke the back window of the upside-down jeep, freed

the driver from his seat belt, and dragged him to safety. But the driver of the car was made unable to move

with a lot of weight on him inside the car, and the fire from the jeep was spreading dangerously close.

     "The paint was melting (融化) on the car; it was so hot," recalled Floyd.

     Terry and Floyd fastened a nylon strap (带子) between Floyd's truck and the car in an effort to pull it

away from the burning jeep. The first two failed. On the third try, the strap held and Floyd pulled the car to

safety. Soon afterward, the fire reached the jeep's gas tank, creating a fireball that took in the area where the

car had been located.

     When rescue people arrived, Floyd, an experienced technician (技师), used the Jaws-of-Life to free the

car driver.

1. The underlined word"Jaws-of-Life" in the last paragraph refers to _____. [ ]

A. a kind of tool

B. a kind of jeep

C. a kind of car

D. an experienced partner

2. From the passage we know Terry and Floyd _____. [ ]

A. were long-time partners

B. didn't see each other again after the accident

C. saved two drivers from two trucks

D. succeeded in the rescuing work

3. The driver in the car got _____ and faced the danger of being burnt. [ ]

A. frightening

B. stuck in

C. dead

D. drunk

4. What happened to the jeep later in that accident? [ ]

A. It was repaired immediately.

B. It lost the gas tank.

C. It blew up.

D. It fell down the side of the mountain.
