
青光眼斑是指位于() A.晶状体前囊下的片状白色混浊 B.晶状体后囊下的片状白色混浊










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参考答案:A, B


开业税务登记管理规程有( )。

A.纳税人心在领取工商营业执照之日起 30日内,向税务机关提出办理税务登记的书面申请,提交“申请税务登记报告书”,并附送有关资料






Twenty years ago,kids in school had never even heard of the Internet.Now,I'll bet you can't find a 36 person in your school who hasn't 37 heard of it.In fact,many of us use it on a regular basis and can even use it at 38 .The “net” in Internet really stands for network.A network is two or more computers 39 together so that information can be 40 or sent from one computer to 41 .The Internet is a vast 42 for all types of information.You may enjoy using it to do 43 for a school project,downloading your favorite songs or 44 with friends and family.Information can be found 45 web pages that companies, organizations, and individuals(个人)create.It's like a giant bulletin board that the whole world uses!But since anyone can put 46 on the Internet,you also have to be careful and use your best 47 and a little common sense.

Just 48 you read something on a piece of paper someone puts on a bulletin board doesn't mean that it's good information,or even correct, for that matter.You have to be sure that whoever posted the information knows what they're talking about, 49  if you're doing research!But what if you're just emailing people?You still have to be very 50 if you've never met the person that you're communicating with online.You could be doing something 51 !You should never give out any 52  information to someone you don't know,not even your name!And just like you can't 53 the information on every website out there.You can't 54 on what strangers you “meet”on the Internet tell you either.In the same way that you could 55 things about yourself to tell someone,someone else could do the same to you!

36. A. stupid   B. single  C. common     D. clever

37. A. at least B. at mostC. at last  D. at first

38. A. school  B. Home C. work   D. hospital

39. A. met      B. Communicated   C. joined D. connected

40. A. shared  B. found  C. made  D. chosen

41. A. other    B. the other    C. another      D. others

42. A. material       B. resource     C. source D. matter

43. A. homework   B. housework  C. research     D. experiments

44. A. playing B. talking       C. meeting      D. communicating

45. A. through       B. across C. by      D. on

46. A. something    B. anything     C. everything  D. nothing

47. A. wisdom       B. judgmentC. Courage  D. confidence

48. A. because B. when  C. where D. what

49. A. specially      B. especially   C. naturally    D. strangely

50. A. careful  B. wise    C. suspicious   D. confident

51. A. exciting       B. interesting  C. suspicious   D. confident

52. A. social   B. personal     C. general       D. special

53. A. respect  B. consult       C. send    D. believe

54. A. rely      B. believe       C. trust    D. base

55. A. make of       B. make from C. make out    D. make up
