











An Italian couple are become the world’s oldest divorcees, after the 99—year—old husband found that his 96—year—old wife had an affair(婚外情) in the 1940s.

The Italian man, called by lawyers in the case as Antonio C, looking through an old drawer when he made the discovery a few days before Christmas.

In spite of the time that had passed since the affair, he was so upset that he immediately asked his wife of 77 years, named as Rosa C, whether it was true, and demanded a divorce.

Stricken by the guilt, she reportedly admitted everything but was unable to persuade her husband to reconsider his decision, though her children also did much more work.

She wrote letters to her lover during a secret affair in the 1940s, according to court papers released in Rome this week , which made people know the truth.

The couple are now preparing to split, though the marriage they built has lasted over nearly eight decades- they have five children, a dozen grandchildren and one great- grand child.

The discovery of the letters was the final problem for their marriage which had already run into difficulty- 10 years ago the husband briefly left their house in Rome and moved in with one of his sons, only to return a few weeks later.

The Italian thought the fierce split resulted from the couple’s southern blood- he is originally from Olbia in Sardinia, while his wife was born in Naples. The couple met during the 1930s when Antonio served as a young officer.

The case appears to set a new record, at least for the age of the oldest figures- the previous oldest couple to divorce were Bertie and Jessie Wood, both aged 98, from the UK.

That pair ended their 36- year marriage in 2009 when they were both two years away from their 100th birthdays. They got married in Elstree, Hertfordshire, in 1972 having both ended previous marriages, before moving to Falmouth, Cornwall four years later.

小题1:          Which is true according to the text?

A.To find his wife’ affair, Antonio C looked through an old drawer.

B.Rosa C’ lover may be Bertie.

C.Rosa C admitted what she did because she was sorry for her guilt.

D.The Italian thought the fierce split resulted from the discovery of the letters.小题2:          Which word can replace the underlined one in passage5?




D.expressed小题3:           Which of the following best describe Antonio C?

A.a childish man

B.a rude man

C.a romantic man

D.a stubborn(固执)man小题4:           The marriage of Antonio C and Rosa C     .

A.may come to an end because the husband sticks to his decision

B.appears to set a new record

C.may have lasted over 36 years

D.began in the 1930s before both ending previous marriages小题5:           This passage may come from        .

A.a text book

B.a newspaper

C.a history book

D.an advertisement


     Directions: Read the following passage, Answer the questions according to the information given

in the passage.

     March 22nd every year has been the World Water Day since 1993. Everyone knows that over 70% of our planet is covered with water, but do you know that only 3% of the water is fresh and less than 1% of this fresh water is available for human use?

     Water shortage

     The World Bank reports that 80 countries now have water shortages, while 40% of the more than 2 billion people, have no access to clean water. Fresh water is such a life-or-death issue(问题) in many parts of the world that every eight seconds a child dies from drinking dirty water.

     How to save water

     Turn off the tap while you brush you teeth in the morning and before bedtime, and you can save up to 8 gallons of water! That adds up to more than 200 gallons a month, enough to fill a huge fish tank that holds 6 small sharks!

      Keep your shower under 5 minutes long. In fact, a 5-minute shower uses more water than a person living in poverty in a developing country uses in an entire day.

      Fix the leak. If your toilet has a leak, you could be wasting about 200 gallons of water every day. That would be like flushing your toilet more than 50 times for no reason!

     We each share responsibility for the sustainable management of our water resources, which means using less water at home, in the workplace, at school, on holidays, on the farm,… everyone, everywhere, every time.

1. When did the first World Water Day take place? (no more than 5 words)


2. How many suggestions does the writer give us to save water? (1 word)


3. What example does the writer give us to show fresh water is a life-or-death issue?

      (no more than 10 words)


4. What's the purpose of writing this passage? (no more than 12 words)



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