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Set 3

A Messenger from the Past
His people said good-bye and watched him walk off toward the mountains. They had little reason to fear for his safety: the man was well dressed in insulated clothing and equipped with tools needed to survive the Alpine climate. However, as weeks passed without his return, they must have grown worried, then anxious, and finally resigned, After many years everyone who knew him had died, and a note even a memory of the man remained.
Then, on an improbably distant day, he came down from the mountain. Things had changed a bit: it wasn’t the Bronze Age anymore, and he was a celebrity.
When a melting glacier released its hold on a 4,000-year-old corpse in September, it was quite rightly called one of the most important archeological finds of the century. Discovered by a German couple hiking at 10,500 feet in the Italian Tyrol near the Austrian border, the partially freeze-dried body still wore remnants of leather garments and boots that had been stuffed with straw for insulation. The hikers alerted scientists from the University of Innsbruck in Austria, whose more complete examination revealed that the man was tattooed on his back and behind his knee. At his side was a bronze ax of a type typical in southern central Europe around 2000 B C. On his expedition--perhaps to hunt or to search for metal ore--he had also carded an all-purpose stone knife, a wooden backpack, a bow and a quiver, a small bag containing a flint lighter and kindling, and an arrow repair kit in a leather pouch.
Such everyday gear gives an unprecedented perspective on life in early Bronze Age Europe. "The most exciting thing is that we genuinely appear to be looking at a man who had some kind of accident in the course of a perfectly ordinary trip," says archeologist Ian Kinnes of the British Museum. "These are not artifacts placed in a grave, but the fellow’s own possessions."
Unlike the Egyptians and Mesopotamians of the time, who had more advanced civilizations with cities and central authority, the Ice Man and his countrymen lived in a society built around small, stable villages. He probably spoke in a tongue ancestral to current European languages. Furthermore, though he was a member of a farming culture, he may well have been hunting when he died, to add meat to his family’s diet. X-rays of the quiver showed that it contained 14 arrows. While his backpack was empty, careful exploration of the trench where he died revealed remnants of animal skin and bones at the same spot where the pack lay. There was also the remainder of a pile of berries. Clearly the man didn’t starve to death.

The trench provided him so with shelter from the elements, and he also had a braided mat of grass to keep him warm.

If injury or illness caused the Ice Man’s death, an autopsy on the 4,000-year-old victim could turn up some clues.

The circumstances of his death may have preserved such evidence, as well as other details of his life.

Freeze-dried by the frigid climate, his inner organs and other soft tissues are much better preserved than those of dried-up Egyptian mummies or the waterlogged Scandinavian "Bog Men" found in recent years.
One concern, voiced by archeologist Colin Renfrew of Cambridge University, is that the hot TV lights that greeted the hunter’s return to civilizetion may have damaged these fragile tissues, jeopardizing a chance to recover additional precious genetic information from his chromosomes. If not, Renfrew says, "it may be possible to get very long DNA sequences out of this material. This is far and away the most exciting aspect of the discovery."
For the time being, all biological research has literally 68 been put on ice at the University of Innsbruck while an in ternational team of experts, led by researcher Konrad Spindler, puzzlees out a way to thaw the body without destroying it. As sensational as it sounds, it remains to be seen how useful 4,000-year-old human DNA will really be. "The problem is that we are dealing with a single individual," says evolutionary biologist Robert Sokal of the State University of New York at Stony Brook. "In order to make statements about the population that existed at the time, we need more specimens."
The wish for more messengers from the past may yet come true. Five more bodies of mountain climbers, all of whom died within the past 50 years, have emerged from melting Austrian mountain ice this summer. The Ice Man’s return from the Tyrol has demonstrated that the local climate is warmer now than it has been for 4,000 years. People are beginning to wonderland plan for--what the melting ice may reveal next.
"No one ever thought this could happen," says Christopher Stringer, an anthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London. "The fact that it has occurred once means that people will now be looking for it again."

paragraph 7 discusses the study of the Ice Man’s DNA, which include all of the following EXCEPT

A.the hot TV lights thrown on the body may damage its tissues.

B.he is only a single individual and more specimens are needed.

C.scientists are very optimistic about his genetic information.

D.the DNA sequences will be the most valuables part of the discovery.


Thanks to the rise of social media, news is no longer gathered exclusively by reporters and turned into a story but emerges from an ecosystem in which journalists, sources, readers and viewers exchange information. The change began around 1999, when blogging tools first became widely available, says Jay Rosen, professor of journalism at New York University. The result was "the shift of the tools of production to the people formerly known as the audience," he says.

(41) ______.

At first many news organisations were openly hostile towards these new tools. In America the high point of the antagonism between bloggers and the mainstream media was in late 2004, when "60 Minutes", an evening news show on CBS, alleged on the basis of leaked memos that George Bush junior had used family connections to win favourable treatment in the Air National Guard in the 1970s. (42) ______ CBS retracted the story and Dan Rather, one of the most respected names in American news, resigned as the show’s anchor in early 2005.

(43) ______ Newspapers and news channels have since launched blogs of their own, hired many bloggers and allowed readers to leave comments. They also invite pictures, video and other contributions from readers and seek out material published on the Internet, thus incorporating non-journalists into the news system.

(44) ______ "We see these things as being highly complementary to what we do," says Martin Nisenholtz of the New York Times. Many journalists who were dismissive about social media have changed their tune in the past few months as their value became apparent in the coverage of the Arab uprisings and the Japanese earthquake, says Liz Heron, social-media editor at the New York Times.

Rather than thinking of themselves as setting the agenda and managing the conversation, news organisations need to recognise that journalism is now just part of a conversation that is going on anyway, argues Jeff Jarvis, a media guru at the City University of New York. (45) ______. All this requires journalists to admit that they do not have a monopoly on wisdom. "Ten years ago that was a terribly threatening idea, and it still is to some people," says the Guardian’s Alan Rusbridger. "But in the real world the aggregate of what people know is going to be, in most cases, more than we know inside the building. "

[A] Journalists are becoming more inclined to see blogs, Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media as a valuable adjunct to traditional media (and sometimes a corrective to them).

[B] The role of journalists in this new world is to add value to the conversation by providing reporting, context, analysis, verification and debunking, and by making available tools and platforms that allow people to participate.

[C] By providing more raw material than ever from which to distil the news, social media have both done away with editors and shown up the need for them.

[D] This was followed by a further shift: the rise of "horizontal media" that made it quick and easy for anyone to share links (via Facebook or Twitter, for example) with large numbers of people without the involvement of a traditional media organisation. In other words, people can collectively act as a broadcast network.

[E] With a single click of a Facebook "Like" button, for example, you can recommend a story, video or slideshow to your entire network of friends.

[F] Bloggers immediately questioned the authenticity of the memos. A former CBS News executive derided blogging as "a guy sitting in his living room in his pyjamas writing what he thinks". But the bloggers were right.

[G] But in the past few years mainstream media organisations have changed their attitude. The success of the Huffington Post (博客网站), which launched in May 2005 with a combination of original reporting by members of staff, blog posts from volunteers (including many celebrity friends of Arianna Huffington’s, the site’s co-founder) and links to news stories on other sites, showed the appeal of what Ms Huffington calls a "hybrid" approach that melds old and new, professional and amateur.

