
下列关于改善燃油经济性说法错误的是()A、缩减汽车总尺寸 B、减少档位数 C、降低汽车总













Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry going into the collecting of those fascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo.One of the questions that is always asked of me is  36  I became an animal collector in the first 37 .The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos. According to my parents, the first word I was able to say  38 was not the conventional “mamma” or “daddy”, 39  the word “zoo”, which I would  40 over and over again with a shrill  41 until someone, in order to  42  me up, would take me to the zoo.When I  43 a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great  44 of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time  45  the countryside in search of fresh samples to  46 my collection of pets. 47  I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student 48  , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches, 49 were not easy to keep at home.When I left, I  50 had enough money of my own to be able to  51  my first trip and I have been going  52 ever since then .Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of  53  ,it is certainly a job which will appeal  54  all those who love animals and  55 .

36. A.how                  B.where                     C.when                      D.whether

37.A.region                B.field                       C.place                      D.case

38.A.clearly               B.quickly                   C.feelingly                 D.proudly

39. A.except               B.but                         C.except for               D.but for

40. A.recite                B.recognize                C.read                        D.repeat

41. A.sound                B.noise                      C.voice                      D.tone

42. A.close                 B.shut                        C.stop                        D.comfort

43. A.grew                 B.was  growing         C.grow                      D.is growing

44. A.many                B.amount                   C.number                   D.supply

45. A.examining         B.expanding               C.exploiting               D.exploring

46. A.devote               B.receive                   C.add                         D.multiply

47. A.Later                 B.Thus                       C.Still                        D. Yet

48. A.agent                 B. assistant                 C.member                  D.keeper

49. A.who                  B.that                        C.as                           D.which

50. A.luckily              B.gladly                     C.nearly                     D.successfully

51. A finance              B.provide                   C.allow                      D. pay

52. A.normally           B.regularly                 C.usually                    D.often

53. A.expectations       B.sorrows                  C.excitement              D.disappointments

54. A.for                    B.with                       C.to                           D.from

55. A.voyage              B.travel                     C.journey                   D.trip
